Here are pictures of one of my bigger projects. I have a friend who's daughter is having a baby girl next month, and she asked me to make a banner type thing to go over her crib.
We went shopping one day and she picked out all the fabric, and then it was up to me to make it into something pretty.
The fabric was just a cotton blend, and I used heat and bond (I think that's what its called) to bond to the fabric, then cut it out, and iron on to the base fabric.
I choose Storybook for the font, as it not only was pretty, but had a nice accent piece too.
I cut it out at 7 inches, using my Gypsy and Expression.

Here is the base of the letters

Letters with the Accents

To make the letters "pop" litte more, I used a dark purple fabric paint. Thanks to my friends on the Cricut Message board for all their suggestions!

I got these rhinestone words at JoAnn's. The Crown is from Paper Doll Dress up.

The hardest part about this project is that my friend wanted it "cloud shape and puffy". I did the "pattern" I guess you could call it, freehand. I had many fights with my sewing machine as the quilt batting kept getting caught. I also put a layer of "fluff" that I got at JoAnns in the clearance section - it was the fake snow that was left over from Christmas. Once all but 6 inches was sewn, I turned it inside out (or actually then it was right side out) and added more fluff to it in spots to poof it out a bit.
Special Thanks to RianandZoeysGram, from the Cricut Board, for sending me the pink and purple baby yarn to tie the project with.
The butterflies and the swirl were also cut from Storybook.