YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over. Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.
Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.
And here, are not one.. not two.. but THREE different Refrigerators!
How cool is that?!
There's the Side By Side.. and the Traditional Top Freezer... and then the French Door Design. You can put the water in the door too if you'd like.. or leave it out.. either or!
This ONE cut file, will cut ALL THREE :) and this was all done with George!
I DO take requests on (major) appliances.. I will be making a Double Oven (Gemini) here soon, and wall ovens too. Just leave a comment if there is something that you would like to see!
With the talk of the New Kitchen and Bath Decor Cart, I remembered that way back when (can't remember) but I did a set of 4 appliances, and the cut file never got to my blog.
So here it is! - ALL done with Geroge!
One File gives you the Stove, Microwave and the Dishwasher. - See the Refigerator Post for your Cooling options!
DOWNLOAD KITCHEN APPLIANCES - Stove Microhood and Dishwasher
Here are some appliances that I made for a friend!
all made with George.
I'll post the cut file later :)
I'm working on a 6x6 Page about me for a group swap - and I thought that this MINI KITCHEN would be a perfect item to put on there!
The finished size on this is about 3 high x 6 wide!

Mini Kitchen
Here is a cute Side By Side Refrigerator!
Washer Dryer Card Created by Kimberly
Here's a quick Washer and Dryer set, shown with the optional Pedestals!
Download Washer Dryer Set

This turned out better than I pictured it!!
Top Side CabinetsBottom Side Cabinets
I am SO proud of this design!!!
Those that know me, know that I am a manager / kitchen designer for a local home improvement store. I have been wanting kitchen related items for my scrapbook, but there isn't much out there.
With the help of GEORGE and DS - I've made a kitchen!!
Download TOP CabinetsDownload BOTTOM CabinetsThese are 2 seperate designs, being that I Have the little bug and wouldn't be able to cut it if it was one design.