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Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Is just around the corner!! And ya know what that means... Fun Halloween Display at the store!
So... on Monday, I was asked by the Hardware Manager to recut the letters that I did last year. Last year they used glue to hang them up, and well, they didn't survive the tear down :( So.. this year I got smart, and laminated them. He also requested a Ray that was about this *holding hands up in the air* tall. For those that don't know, I work for Menards, and our "Spokesman" so to speak is Ray, The Menards Guy. So... I grabbed some signstock from work that matched the Lemex SPOOKY TOWN lettering perfectly, and took it home, and with SCAL I was able to create 2 fun Rays, and the lettering.

Originally, this was suppose to go down one of the aisle above the Spooky Town Village, hanging from the shelves. However... when Nick (The Hardware Manager) saw the Rays that I made.. he said that they deserved to be in the MAIN AISLE cuz they were "so damn good"

This picture (well.. not the exact one I guess.. the one I used had feet) is what my "template" was last year when I made Ray for Christmas... HERE IS a link to my Original RAY and CHRISMTAS RAY (Which, Christmas Ray will be redone for the Christmas display this year.. bigger and made in to Santa Ray... too bad he never had a girlfriend lol for Mrs Claus :)
The Font is POST CRYPT , which can be found FREE on many different font sites. Do you see Ray?? The letters were cut at 10 1/3 x 4 1/2. Then Laminated. I then punched holes into them, and used Ornament hooks through the holes. The Hardware Department used a Staple gun to attach to the Lattice fence piece (which is covered by the black fabric) and then the ornament hooks were bent around the staples The overall aisle is about 7-8 feet wide.
Here is "Franken-Ray" up close....
I did use PPDU for the hair, otherwise, everything else was cut from SCAL
And here is "Dra -Ray -cula"
Hair and Cape from PPDU, you can't tell at all but the cape has a seam right through the middle. Since his body covers it, it looks like ONE piece :) I believe the bottom of the cape from left to right measure like 15 inches, and height of cape is 11 inches (I just have 12x12 mats for my cricut) Hard to see in the picture, but on his shirt where the collar is turned, I used brads to hold it back.
So, there is the Mason City Menards' Main Aisle Halloween Display for the year! I hope you enjoyed looking at it as much as I had making the pieces for it! Tomorrow's the "BIG" day.. ya see, the Main Store Manager had the day off today... so.. I'm hoping that he will like this display as much as the rest of the Team! And then again Tuesday... when peeps from the General Office make their weekly visit..
(I think RAY would approve!)