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Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.

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Showing posts with label Scrapbooking Room. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scrapbooking Room. Show all posts

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My Scrapbooking Table!

I have been working all day on this - from running to Menards to purchase my legs, to staining, to getting the last leg on... there is still work to be done to make it more sturdy, and I am hoping to cut the wood tomorrow at work, and get that attached on. But I am so excited to show you all what I did ALL BY MY SELF!

This piece of Countertop I got for a steal! It's 36x72 with a beveled edge with a wood insert. The wood is stained in "Cherry". The color is Smokey Topaz by Wilson Art. This piece alone retails for about $350-$400, and I got it for... $15.00! There was a scratch on it, so my boss was feeling very generous that day since he knew of my situation and this was his way of helping me out!

I got the "legs" in the Milwork Department, they are actually Stair Spindles, and I stained them in the same Cherry stain that matches the countertop.

I still am going to get some 1x3's and run a "frame" around the edge, so that the legs don't bow out - when I was trying to move it into its spot, it reminded me of Bambi walking on the ice! LOL. The 1x3's I will be painting Black, since they will be either Pine or Fir, and may not stain the same color. I think the black will be a nice touch!

This table cost me so little! $15 for the top, $$31.00 for the legs, and $17 for the hardware. The frameing board will be under $10, for a total of $73.00! and it will double as a dining table too :)

Here is a closeup of the countertop color.

This shows the wood edge, color and the legs..

This one shows the little scratch, that because of it, the guest that ordered it refused the piece (so we reordered another one at no charge - it was scratched before he even picked it up)
And this one is a full view of the table. The legs are 32 1/2, and then there are 2-1x2's that the legs are attached to, so this piece sits at about 34 1/2 inches high (maybe slightly more) there is room on the bottom of the legs that I can cut off a few inches, but I am waiting until I get the framing done to see how much I want to cut off (if any) and I'm sure I'll take off atleast an inch or so, so that I can use it with my desk chair.