
YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over.
Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.

Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.

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Showing posts with label Cards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cards. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Birthday Invites

Next month is Lilly's 9th Birthday, and we're heading over to the Bowling Alley for some fun!  Here are the invites that I made.  
Pins were and SVG cut using SCAL and the Cricut. 
Background embossed with Spots and Dots (I think that's what it's called!)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sympathy Card

I really dislike making sympathy cards - sad :(

Here is one that I made on Thursday for a contractor's family that I helped a lot during my time at Menards. He passed away last Tuesday of esophageal cancer.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Baby Announcements

One more thing crossed off my list! The stickles are drying at the moment.. hopefully won't take too much longer. Then inside all I have to add after Bianca is born is the date, time, height and weight.

Baby was cut from New Arrival. Stamp is from Stampabilities. And the 'bow' is Magenta Stickles. The face was stamped with Peachy Keen

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome Baby Cards

A friend of mine just had a baby girl on Monday, and I have a baby shower for another friend next month, so tonight, I decided to make them cards.

Here are the ones that I did::

I googled "welcome baby girl card" and came across this one that I used for inspiration. See the original post here

Monday, November 15, 2010

The attack of the Rudolphs..

Been busy this last weekend attempting to make my Christmas cards.. There's roughly 60 or so in the picture below.. and this is just the start of them, still have to put them on the actual card.

Stamp is Hampton Art PS0422 Rudolph
He was stamped in Colorbox Chalk Ink - Chestnut Roan and then the nose/mouth and eyes, antlers/feet were hand colored in red/black.

Mat is from Accent Essentials 3.6x2.4 for white and 3.88x2.6 for the patterned paper. (yes, I had to look it up!)

Hoping to have a finished product in the next few days!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Trick or Tweet

Halloween is soon approaching.. and ya know what that means?! I get to see Andre in 6 days! Ok ok, it's also time for Trick or Treaters, which I will be missing in IA. So sad as a friend of mine is taking her two adorable twin girls out, and I'm gonna miss it :( But I did get pictures of them trying on their Lamb outfits (they will be 2 in November) and they are SO PRECIOUS!!!

So, since I'm missing it, I'm making them cards, and giving them their 'treats' early (which will probably be something along the lines of Animal Crackers) I also made one for Miss Lilly too, and I'll be getting hers in the mail probably on Tuesday.

I was inspired by Robyn (The Pink Stamper) during a post she did back in September. Here is a link to her post. She did a video with the Imagine using the Create a Critter Cartridge.

The Chickie was cut from Create a critter, the hat and cauldron are from PDDU. The hat was embellished with Stickles (Platinum) and the cauldron with Lime Green. It might be hard to tell, but the orange paper was embossed with Pumpkin Harvest. "Trick or Tweet" printed from my computer (Black Chancery for the Font) Hat was cut in Dark purple cardstock, which shows up a LOT better in person.

Thanks for looking! (and if you haven't already yet, check out Robyn's Blog! She's great!!)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lucky In Love ♥

I have a friend that is getting married in 3 weeks in Vegas, so I wanted to create a vegas-type card. Thanks to Larkspur and Skipperkim on the Cricut board for the ideas of a Slot Machine and "Lucky in Love" (which is written on the inside)

Cut file for the slot machine can be found on a previous blog post.. I just changed out the 7's for hearts.. all done with George. SLOT MACHINE POST

Thanks for looking!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Simple Cards..

I know that this isn't anything fancy, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things so I thought I'd start simple.

Paper is from Flowersoft, and the embelishments are just randoms that were in my stash.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Few Cards

I had a booth at the Bulbs to Blossoms sale again this year, and sold quite a few cards. Here are a few of them that I made for it :)

↑ Wedding, Engagement or Anniversary. Used Wedding Solutions

↑ Thank you Card, Used Walk in my Garden

↑ Lattice Cut is from a cut file,

↑ Just Because

↑ Just Because
↑ Father's Day Card. Used a SVG (it's in one of my earlier posts)
↑ Birthday Card, used Wild Cards

Monday, February 15, 2010

Train Card Cut Files

Sorry for the delay in these - worked all weekend, and now I've got a horrible sinus infection. I'm feeling a little better, and should be "up to par" tomorrow :)

You will need :: Mickey and Friends (For the Train) Geroge (rectangle to combined the train - can substitute any cart with a rectangle on it and I did the train wheels, again can sub with any circle) You can use any font for the name, or leave it blank!

The coworker that I made these for (the Issac and Ryan) I also did wordbooks with their names. She LOVED them! And, even tho I told her she didn't owe me a thing for them, she insisted that she paid me - she gave me $20 (Wow!) She also said that I should do that as my Job instead of working there, LOL, if I could make 40K+ making cards, I'd be there. But, I love my job and the people that I work with :) Anyway.. back to the files..

**This is my first Gypsy File sharing... if you download it, PLMK If it opens right, I opened it in DS, and it was all on one mat, but dunno if that's how the Gypsy sees it too. It works on mine tho**


Design Studio CUT FILE

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Choo Choo - Train Card! - and GIVEAWAY!

This is going to be a really quick post, as I have to get ready for work.
Below are 4 cards that I made - two of them are for Twin boys, Isaac and Ryan and the other is for a friend's nephew, Tyler.
Train from Mickey and Friends, Font for names is A Child's Year and the Number is Plantin School Book. I'll share the file when I get home from work!

Now the give away part - I have One extra Card (Below in Red) Just comment if you would like it, along with a Name that you'd like written on there and the age of the recipicant.

I'll pick a random post by Thursday Feb 18th for this!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentines From Lilly!

I'm still uploading pictures from this weekend - and then.. BLOG CANDY TIME!! WHAHOOO!

But First...
Here are TWO adorable Valentine Cards that My Little Miss Lilly gave me! She's already a scrapper, and does fantastic work!!!

Inside of card reads :: Happy Velentine's Day I hope you hav a good day to day
And this one reads :: Dear mom i whish you a happy valentine's day I hope you hav a good day to day
These will be treasured forever!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Valentines - Completed!

Well... even tho the Vikes didn't win the game on Sunday night.. they played one heck of a game! And... thankfully... Lilly still wants Packer / Viking Valentines even after that! That's my girl!

So.. without further ado... Here they are completed..

EDPD to make Favre and Rodgers
Football Embossed with Tiny Mesh (? I think..)
Heart cut from Gypsy Wanderings and stamped with a Studio G Dollar Stamp Set.
Background paper is Bazzill Bling
Punch is Martha Stewart Arch Lattice

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Sympathy Card

These are my least favorite cards to make :( A Co-worker lost her father last week. This is for her.

Lattice Card base is from Just Sharing (Linda)

Paper from stacks (not sure which ones)
Branch cut from Home Decor.Flowers on branch are Flora Doodles Jeweled Florettes
Butterflies.. From Hong Kong.
With Sympathy is from Wild Cards.

Friday, November 13, 2009

2nd Birthday Card

Here's a quick birthday card that I made for my boss's grandson.
Patterened paper is DCWV, embossed with Tiny Bubbles cuttlebug folder.
I used Keystone, but if you don't have that you can put any # there.
File does not have the name on it (and you can add your own)
Size is A2 (4.25x5.5)


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Three Baby Cards

Three Friends of mine in my Scrapbooking Yahoo Group are pregnant, and expecting between January and Febuary! We had a mini "Baby Shower" for them, and I made the cards.
I was inspired by this post HERE by Scrapper1969 on the Cricut board. Carriage from NA, and pop dotted. These are all 5x7's.
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween Card

Here's a Halloween card that I made tonight. I'll admit, it's not my *best* work, but I've been in a slump lately, so I'm just happy that I did something!
The brown paper is not part of the card.. just had to set it on something.
The Tree was a Free SVG from Scrappin' Out Loud (click name to go to blog post to download from her)
Size - 4 1/4 x 5 1/2
Then.. I found these foam shapes in my Halloween Box.. and well, instead of cutting everything out, I took the 'easy' route this time and just stuck a few on there.
The orange is embossed with Pumpkin Harvest Cuttlebug folder, and the Tree is embossed with Distressed Stripes.
The foam shapes also hold the branches down lol :)
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sympathy Card

My Mom's Friend, Barb, passed away the other night. She was in her mid 50's (?), and had ovarian cancer, that had moved to her other organs. She was told last year December that she wouldn't make it to Christmas (of last year), but she was able to live for another 8 months. Just last week, after being on the waiting list for a few months, she was able to go to Hospice.

This is the card that I made for Barb's Life partner, Sue, another good friend of my mom's.

Lattice Card base is from Just Sharing (Linda)
Behind it, I took a clear vellum, and used purple and blue inks to color it, then backed it with white paper (so on the inside, you don't see the vellum) but I didn't want this to be see through (the lattice.. Just thought it was a really neat design!)
Branch cut from Home Decor.
Flowers on branch are Flora Doodles Jeweled Florettes
Top paper is Creative Memories (came in a pack that I got from going to a crop), and embossed with the cuttlebug hearts folders (that came with a cutting die.. Can't remember the name)
Butterflies.. From Hong Kong.
Thinking of You is from Alphalicious

(this card was inspired by 2 other cards, and I kinda combined them with my own twist - Click on their names to see their cards!. Card by DC Scrapper And, card by DJ1952 )

Monday, June 15, 2009

Asian Flair - Owl Whimsy

The Current Challenge on Owl Whimsy is to use their New Asian Flair stamp!

Here's my "Submission" for the free stamp set!

I started with plain white cardstock, covered it with Tim Holtz Distress ink (Antique Linen) and then printed the stamp.. HINT - Print stamp, THEN ink and crimple. it was a PAIN getting crimpled paper through the printer! Flowers were colored in with Brush Pens, and then also I outlined the vase. "Flowers" are Yarn wrapped around twist ties. I cut a slot on the top of the vase, stuck them in, and then used foam tape to mount on to the background paper - which is from the Far East DCWV stack, but you can't really see it too much. The Japanese Symbol Means "Friend", which was also printed on the crumpled paper. I also used Tim Holtz's Frayed Burlap, as an accent color. The overall size of this card is 7 1/2 x 5. (such odd sizes!)

Thanks for looking!

Friday, June 12, 2009

78th Birthday Car with Model T

My Grandfather is going to be 78 on the 15th. Here is the card that I made for him!
Card Base - Cut with SCAL - if you look closely, you can see that it was cut as a postage stamp. (He collects stamps, so that's where I started!)
I did it in white for a stronger base, and then I did the top layer as a separate piece. I used Tim Holtz Distress Inks - Antique Linen - to create the "old" look. I applied the distress ink to blank white paper, then crinkled it many times, and then added more to get the ink right on the creases. Then, I cut out the postage stamp image on my cricut. (note - Next time I do this, I'm going to cut the image first, then ink and crinkle. The blade kinda cut it, but being bubbly and uneven it did not cut all the way through.)

The Car is an 1915 Model T - SVG that I made last night, and then I cut a "78" for the upper corner.
