OK, so it's not 100% done, but I'm excited that it's made it this far!
A few days ago I posted my Christmas list.. New Toilet seat. New Paint. New flooring. I wanted the bathroom upstairs to not only be functional, but well, enjoyable to look at too. Here are pictures of what it used to look like.

^ there is a sink in here, however it didn't work. Waterlines are all there, but for whatever reason, Tom could not get it to produce water. More on that below...

^ the toilet seat was replaced before I took a picture... it was not pretty beforehand...
A trip to Menards, and $25 later... I had new paint (Bargain area, $5) New Flooring (45 sq ft for $12 on sale) Toilet seat ($8 on sale)
The tiles are the peel and stick kind, and I only used about half the box, so I can use the rest for the downstairs bathroom when
we get to it. They were really easy to cut and set, and Yes :) I did it by myself. Tom came up to see the progress and I put him to work with some of the painting.. needless to say, he did around the edges and then quickly went back downstairs.

By the end of the night, the walls and floor were done. There was still one thing bugging me.. and that was the sink. It had not worked for the 4 years that Tom has been in the house. And it was a simple fix. And he was very impressed that I figured it out. On the faucet, there's the spout where the water comes out. All I did was take it off. *poof* the water worked. The gasket and screens were filled with rust and sediments from the well water that it clogged and caused the water to not come out. At
one point in time, before he moved in, it must have been left on for a long time just dripping out. We soaked the inner pieces of the spout and now they look brand new, and the water works. *happy dance*

The set above is the one that my mom got for me, and I'll get that on Sunday when we drive up to MN for Christmas. I'll post a final picture then :)
Thanks for looking!