
YES! You are the right page! I just have a new name! :) After realizing that I do more than just scrapbooking, I've decided to change the name and will be changing the look.. I'd do a whole new blog but I'd hate to have to start all over.
Here you will find scrapbooking ideas. There's a ton of older posts that used the Cricut, but lately I haven't been using it much and well, my sewing machine is gaining more miles by the day.

Files are currently not available due to file hosting fees, please send an email to amkscrap @ gmail.com (no spaces) if you would like to request a file and I'll see if I still have it on hand.

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Showing posts with label George. Show all posts
Showing posts with label George. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Relax.. and have a seat!

Someone on one of my yahoo groups was looking for a couch..
here are 2 rough ones that I did.. both made with George! Hopefully you can do better color combinations than I did lol!
Both are .cut for the Cricut Design Studio

And... just a quick note.. the blog candy will be mailed off later today, sorry for the delay but I was waiting for a package to arrive for one of them, and I didn't want to mail off until I had them all ready to go! I will send confirmation numbers to the winners!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gas Grill

Yes! I still know how to make .cut files! lol! 'bout time I start doing something.
I need a Gas Grill for a card, and I couldn't find anything that I liked on the cartridges, so out come's good O'George and a bunch of random shapes to make one.

The file is for the E, but just change the mat size and it will work with the baby or create too.

DOWNLOAD GAS GRILL - Made with George

Now, off to get it cut out and make my card!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lucky In Love ♥

I have a friend that is getting married in 3 weeks in Vegas, so I wanted to create a vegas-type card. Thanks to Larkspur and Skipperkim on the Cricut board for the ideas of a Slot Machine and "Lucky in Love" (which is written on the inside)

Cut file for the slot machine can be found on a previous blog post.. I just changed out the 7's for hearts.. all done with George. SLOT MACHINE POST

Thanks for looking!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Train Card Cut Files

Sorry for the delay in these - worked all weekend, and now I've got a horrible sinus infection. I'm feeling a little better, and should be "up to par" tomorrow :)

You will need :: Mickey and Friends (For the Train) Geroge (rectangle to combined the train - can substitute any cart with a rectangle on it and I did the train wheels, again can sub with any circle) You can use any font for the name, or leave it blank!

The coworker that I made these for (the Issac and Ryan) I also did wordbooks with their names. She LOVED them! And, even tho I told her she didn't owe me a thing for them, she insisted that she paid me - she gave me $20 (Wow!) She also said that I should do that as my Job instead of working there, LOL, if I could make 40K+ making cards, I'd be there. But, I love my job and the people that I work with :) Anyway.. back to the files..

**This is my first Gypsy File sharing... if you download it, PLMK If it opens right, I opened it in DS, and it was all on one mat, but dunno if that's how the Gypsy sees it too. It works on mine tho**


Design Studio CUT FILE

Friday, November 13, 2009

2nd Birthday Card

Here's a quick birthday card that I made for my boss's grandson.
Patterened paper is DCWV, embossed with Tiny Bubbles cuttlebug folder.
I used Keystone, but if you don't have that you can put any # there.
File does not have the name on it (and you can add your own)
Size is A2 (4.25x5.5)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Moving Van!

Or just a Van!
Made with George for Design Studio!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Spooky Word Book

Just a Simple wordbook for today! Made with Geroge

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Trapazoid Calendar Grid

I think that's the 'correct' term for this shape! More like "Slanted Rectangle"
But I think it would also look cool on a layout for pictures!

Available in SVG and CUT!

DOWNLOAD "Slanted Rectangle" SVG

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Calendar Grids!

Here are some calendar grids to go with the titles I did earlier!
Available in multiple sizes and in SVG and CUT !
The CUT files are made with George, and if you have the Expression, just change the mat size on the two baby bug ones, and you can use those also!

Click the link BELOW the picture to download!
5 1/2 x 11 Baby Bug Blank Calendar Grid

5 1x2 x 11 (Baby Bug) Blank Calendar Grid CUT FILE

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Really Awesome Christmas Word Book!

This is a really awesome word book that Bug Junkie from the Cricut board made!
It uses carts from Joys of the Season, Keystone, Chrismtas Noel, Christmas Cheer, A Child's Year and Geroge and Basic shapes!

Please go to her BLOG and download the Cut File! You will need Design Studio, the carts above and the Expression to cut it!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3D House Made with George.. and CONTEST!

Moving on to Happier thoughts!

Here is a 3D house, that I made with George, but used the New Winter Woodland cart as my "base"
And here's the contest part!
Cut this cute house out, decorate it, and send me a picture! You can email it to me at amkscrap@gmail.com or post a comment and post a link of it on your blog.
I wanna see what can be made! I'll then post all the pictures recieved on here, and then we'll have a vote to pick a winner! Winner will recieve some BLOG CANDY. Not sure what yet, but I promise it will be good!

**sending your picture to me gives me permisson to post it on this blog for the voting, pictures will not be used for any other reason**


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wash Day!

Here is another layout from Phyllis (GrannyPJ), using the Washer and Dryer Cut File!
Download Basic Washer Dryer

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cooking With Elizabeth!

GrannyPJ from the Cricut board shared these adorable layouts of her 4 year old Great Granddaughter Elizabeth, cooking!

Phyllis used the Sink and Disposal File, and the Kitchen Appliances Cut Files!
I think she did a wonderful job, and I am excited that she used my files, and honored that she is letting me share them on here with you!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sink and Garbage Disposal

There was a request on the cricut board for a Sink and Garbage disposal, so I thought that I would share it will everyone!
Sink and disposal.. made to fit on a 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 card front
This needs to be layered "just" right.

There are 3 mats

Mat 1 has components for Dishwasher and sink with pipes
Mat 2 has the card base, Cabinet outline and countertop
Mat 3 has the disposal and faucet

Cut the card base, Cabinet outline and countertop - each in a different color
I would cut the sink and pipes in either White or Silver, and dishwasher in your preference. (I like black base with silver on top.. or silver base with black on top)
when layering.. have the cabinet base on the bottom. Then put the sink and pipes - this goes just a little over the cabinet base, as then the countertop goes on top, with some of the sink showing on the top.
I would mount the faucet behind the sink, as the base part of the faucet is 'bigger' than normal to do this.

Would love to see the finished product!!!


Monday, April 6, 2009

Doggie and Kitty Charms

Here's some more charming embellishements :)
Uses George and Animal Kingdom

Charmed, I'm sure!

I have GOT to throw in a few scrappy posts - haven't had one of those in a while!!

I was playing with my NEW Life's a Beach Cart (Ordered from Memory Making Crafts) and I love the Charm Feature on it! It makes really cute tags!

But.. that's not what I'm going to show you. I needed some Furry Animal tags, and thought that I could replicate them in DS. All files on here use George and Animal Kingdom. More charms to follow in a later post :)

So.. Here are some KANGAROO CHARMS
And not so furry.. SNAKE CHARMS

Monday, February 23, 2009

Washer / Dryer (Revisited)

I posted this atleast a year ago.. but since I have finally cut it out, I thought that I would share it again!
Cut file is below :)

Here's a link to the orginal post - WASHER DRYER SETWASHER - DRYER CUT FILE

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monster Truck Cut File

Here's the Monster Truck that I used to make the Valentines :)
Flame is Indie Art, Truck is George.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

For all your Cooling Needs!

And here, are not one.. not two.. but THREE different Refrigerators!

How cool is that?!

There's the Side By Side.. and the Traditional Top Freezer... and then the French Door Design. You can put the water in the door too if you'd like.. or leave it out.. either or!
This ONE cut file, will cut ALL THREE :) and this was all done with George!
I DO take requests on (major) appliances.. I will be making a Double Oven (Gemini) here soon, and wall ovens too. Just leave a comment if there is something that you would like to see!

Kitchen Appliances!

With the talk of the New Kitchen and Bath Decor Cart, I remembered that way back when (can't remember) but I did a set of 4 appliances, and the cut file never got to my blog.

So here it is! - ALL done with Geroge!
One File gives you the Stove, Microwave and the Dishwasher. - See the Refigerator Post for your Cooling options!

DOWNLOAD KITCHEN APPLIANCES - Stove Microhood and Dishwasher