Showing posts with label Terminators. Show all posts

The Pack Elite - Part 2  

Posted by Hal'jin in , ,

I haven't had much time to do stuff with a Bachelor's thesis I'm working on all the time now, so not much painting progress and I just didn't have what to post on Monday. I'm clueless on what to post next week as well, but I'll try to think about something. Silly posting schedule! 

Anyway, to the point, back to the Terminators! Today, the second part and the other five men!

There are all brand new and share some interesting features, at the end of the post.. Starting off with Liufr Fireeater. His name doesn't come from nothing, but more on that later... Currently he is equipped with the standard terminator loadout, storm bolter and power weapon.

Eyvindr Frostwind, the second man-Cyclone. This one also has standard loadout aside from the rack of missiles on his back. I would say he is close to being my favourite terminator as well!

This terminator, Snorri Sharpclaw, has actually been made from an AoBR terminator. Could you guess that? I reposed him a litle and added wolf parts and he turned out quite damn well if you ask me.

Kettil Njordsson, with the thing to chew through vehicles in combat, in addition to shooting. He turned out very.. golden. He seems to have the most gold on him from all of them.

And Yngvar Bjornsson the third storm shield that might come in handy when there's 10 of them.

Now for some details shots, Snorri.

The storm shield detail along with the sword. I painted it rather blandly to make it stand out from Rune Priest's Runic Sword. I didn't like re-using that part, but I didn;t really have any other sword.

Fireeater's details.

All that gold...

"I'm looking at you and that means you're screwed"

But that's not it, the terminators come with some more features. First of all, I don't neccessarily need 3 shields, if I want to minimise the cost o the unit...

Assault Cannon was just too pretty not to paint it. An awesome weapon!

But if I ever deployed them in a Land Raider, perhaps Fireeater could live up to his name...

And finally, to minimise costs even further, in case I didn't need that much AT...

And that's it for now. Hope you liked it! Feel free to leave a comment.

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The Pack Elite - Part 1  

Posted by Hal'jin in , ,

Time to change the army for a bit. Since everything I had to paint for the Guard is done and posted, time for some Space Wolves again! Taking off with my favourite models, that I've put off for too long. I decided to split the post into two parts since there's plenty of pictures here. Each and every terminator is unique, so I got details shots of every single one. On with the show! 

Starting off with the group shot of the first five. Perhaps you can recognise one of those from an earlier post!

First man, Randolf Shieldwall carrying a power weapon (originally intended to be a frost blade, but they aren't really worth it) and a storm shield.

And his back!

Egil Eitrisson, combi-melta and a power fist. I really like that guy!

Halvard Freyrsson, the second PW/Storm Shield. He has been painted in the second batch and I think it shows and he look a bit better than the other ones.

Hjalmar Bjornsson, the second melta guy. This one has actually been converted out of AoBR terminator sergeant. I think he fits the squad really well now after some wolf-ification!

The one I have posted a while back, painted a long time ago - the Cyclone totting Hrodgar Irongrip.

Now for some detail shots. Egil's Combi-melta - I added some runes on the chainsword bit.

Detail shot on Hrodgar's wolf pelt and chest.

Halvard, seen more from below, since he's leaning forward quite a bit.

Hjalmar's leather tabard and helmet.

Shieldwall's shield.

And that's it for the first bunch. Not many words in this post, but hope pictures more than make up for it! Stay tuned for part 2, which is a bit more interesting!

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A little update  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

Not a post filled with lots of content, but I believe the quality of it is quite decent! I have spent the past few weeks painting quite a lot (with breaks filled with reading Horus Heresy books - I should maybe review them at some point!) and the progress is really starting to show!

This time round it's finally some painted mini to be posted! I present to you a Wolf Guard with a Cyclone Missile Launcher!

Of course, there's more angles if you only click below!

I decided to take a break from Power Armor everywhere. Cyclone was quite an obvious choice to go as first as it's one of the Terminators that gets fielded in majority of my lists. Wolves Terminators are unfortunately not too effective (especially compared to other Marines), but this one is an exception!
Overall I'm satisfied with the result. The NMM isn't perfect, that's still something I need to practice more but yeah.. To practice I actually have to paint something. And I'm satisfied with the base, to my own amazement.

And to perhaps wet your appetite, here's the painting chart as it looks now:

As you can see there's quite a bit of green out there now, especially in the infantry department. Unfortunately my tank brush is ruined so vehicles have to wait till I pick up a new one.

There are a couple new planned things as well - including another character on a Thunderwolf! After I add the terminators, which I've already ordered that's the most likely candidate for next update. I decided that Thunderwolf Cavalry unit is perhaps a tad expensive to purchase and create... but two characters (While only one is a Wolf Lord of course, I will most likely field both as such, just because WGBL is rather... lacking rules-wise, compared to Lord) pack quite a punch as well and look just as good as a TWC unit!

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