Here he is, the WIP Commander of the 3rd Company, Lieutenant Colonel Mordechai Emmet, who is my count-as Straken.
He is quite finished, but I think he is still lacking something, but I have no idea what else could I do. Perhaps you could help me, dear readers?
Emmet has quite a backstory to him, which I think I'll share once he is painted up. For now I'll say he used to be a mere Veteran Sergeant, but won his way into the wearing the officer cap through his deeds and "friendship" with (then) General Havelock Hals.
A battlefield experience has left him scarred for life, but due to his skills, commitment and service record he was deemed well worthy of recieving extensive bionics, which allow him to continue his duty to the Emperor.
Thanks to this twist, I was able to give him all the wargear he used when I still fielded him as a Vet Sergeant, back in the 4th Ed. - a Power Weapon and a Plasma Pistol - which also match Straken's loadout!
The Standard behind him is supposed to make him stand out on the battlefield, considering he is a Special Character. Besides, I was itching to use that standard for a while.
But he still looks somewhat generic. And I'm all dry on ideas. If you have something on your mind, say it!
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Guard tidbits.
Posted by Hal'jin in Chart, Command, Elites, IG, Infantry, Tanks, Troops, Vehicle, WIP
First, a new Chimera I purchased recently. I have to say the new kit is great, so much easier to assemble! The refined look is quite good (aside from that Searchlight, I might change that), although it annoys me slightly that now my vehicles will differ quite a bit.
I do miss the accessory sprue, though only for the track guards - vehicles just look better with them. I still have a lot of stowage left and truth to be said, there isn't really a lot of room to stick them to the sides.
Click below to learn more! (I wonder if it's neccessary for me to keep writing that... I do that ever since someone posted a comment indicating he missed the Read More button, but maybe it's about time..)
Here is a Platoon Command Squad of the 1st Platoon undergoing reanimation and finally fitting it to the new codex! While the 1st Platoon itself will still remain mostly useless under the new rules (Plasma Guns? Missile Launchers? Yay for expensive and easy to kill squads!) I could sometimes break the 2nd Platoon into two in my army lists to use two units of fiery death.
The 303rd. Still WIP, but should be done soon. I want to finish them before the big tournament by the end of the month. A blurry shot that doesn't show much - for now!
Aaand more mystery unveiling. I think this should clearly indicate what kind of unit am I doing. But the details of the conversions remain shrouded... Unless you observe the picture carefuly..
And finally the painting chart for the Guard! It spoils the mystery quite well... But also shows what I call the 3rd Expansion Wave. (The 2nd was when I got the Valks and all kind of stuff to enhance onto the new codex, 1st way before that.) As you can see, that's a lot of vehicles. A lot. I wouldn't mind expanding infatry some, but the prospect of painting so many Guardsmen again... Not just yet, ugh. Maybe as a 4th Expansion, that I bet is inevitable in the future and is totally not hidden to right of the Excel sheet beyond sight.
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A few days ago I've show you a WIP of my Officer of the Fleet. He's been done shortly after but I wanted to post a shot of him together with the Command Squad and the second finished advisor - the Astropath and for some reasons I couldn't before.
Here they are, Lord Marshal Havelock Hals and his two regimental advisors, Astropath Liev and an Officer of Battlefleet ThatHasNoNameYet. Since at some point I want to get a small fleet for BFG I'll want those two to be linked.
Some more shots of the advisors from closeup. First the awesome Officer of the Fleet.
And a detail shot of all his insignia and the gem in the belt. It actually turned out well, I'm shocked!
What do you think about the red? I had no idea what colour to use (I was trying to reproduce the colour used in the codex with no success, I simply don't have such paints. And I didn't want to do it in NMM as I think the aquilas on handcuffs wouldn't stand out at all) so I went with that. It looks slightly off but I guess it isn't too bad.
And Astropath Liev. I just love that model. The shot in the codex doesn't give him justice. He's got quite a lot of hidden details, while still being a simple and elegant model.
As you can see the robe colour is exactly same as the Psykers' one. He was the first one to have it, sort of a test drive. Turned out really well I think, I love that tone! Here's a shot of one of the details I've been talking about, he's holding an Adepta Astronomica pendant in his hand!
Closeup of the behind of his staff. As you can see, it has a big piece of parchment attached to it! Great thing to work with.
And finally the shot of the entire Command Squad as it will be often fielded and as it stood yesterday in two battles!
Game-wise those advisors are brilliant, I'll write up more about them in the upcoming tactica article. But one has to be careful with the Astropath, you cannot rely on him entirely. I've done that together with underestimating Daemonhunters. Left too much in reserves and was simply picked apart till it was too late. Of course not mentioning hitting once with 3 meltas from a vet squad and failing to even glance a Land Raider...
That's it for today. Thanks for reading!
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Phew! Guests are gone and now I've got time again to post up some stuff instead of acting as a driver all time. And quite a significant thing, the Regimental Command Squad of the 42nd Cadian!
I've painted them a while back but didn't have a chance to show them to you before. After all this long time finally I get to field a painted HQ, weee. Also as it stands now I only have 14 more guardsmen to paint (Well, I am planning a third vet squad but it's still a bit off). Then just Valk, psykers a sentinel and Chimeras I'm yet to buy and I've actually painte pretty much my entire collection! (except for odd things I'll never field, like old metal JOs, standard, vox and such) Quite shocking actually, what will I do next? Oh well I got plans for that actually...
I know you probably want to see the pictures so here goes, I can blabber more later! Here you go.
As usual, clicky clicky.
And of course some more detail shots. I exceptionally like this fella. So much character in this mini!
This one is using the excellent wounded arm and melta from the new command squad.
The old metal meltagunner finally put to a great use!
A medic. He was actually painted for like half a year, just didn't have an opportunity to present him to you. Back then he was a regular member of the CS, nowadays he just sits there on the shelf patching the squad up between the battles. Sadly I do not have 30 points to spare for rather useless (at least for my application of the CS) piece of gear. Too bad as I really love this model, it's way better than the new plastic one in my opinion.
Last (or is it?) but not the least - the Regimental Champion proudly carrying the standard of the 42nd Cadian to battle. In the end I was actually slightly disappointed and maybe I should've put some more work into him. What I mean is the other standard from the set has brilliant battle damage on it, but poor iconography (at least for something as important - it'd make a great platoon standard). This one has great iconography but not sign of damage at all! Also it lacks my favourite purity seals, gah!
But in the end he turned out well!
Some details of the banner:
Ooops, looks like the standard bearer wasn't actually the last thing! The one last "member" of the squad - it's dedicated Chimera!
A close-up of the tank commander. It's actually the only vehicle I ever assembled with one leaning out of the cupola.
But that's not everything! Perhaps if you paid attention (especially to this) post you might remember something about an ambitious plan in regards to a Chimera. Well that's the Chimera!
Yup, it has an interior! Took quite a while and I'm quite pleased with the result! Here's a better shot!
Aaand that's it for pictures. Or is it?
The 42nd Cadian has gone a long way. It travelled on a high-speed highway nearly to the end. But as with every Guard army (or isn't it every army) there is no real end. There's always this one more things you want. However now we have driven off a highway to a smaller countryside road where you can drive slowly and enjoy the views. Or we will make that turn when I get those elusive Chimeras at last.
What then? Obviously that won't be the last thing I buy for Guard, I'm not as naive to believe that. I still want to pick up one (or two *coughcough*) of these fancy new Hellhounds. I still want a Manticore (Which apparetly is a very nasty piece of broken vehicle. Mwahahahah). I wouldn't mind picking up some special character in the end as well (and the upcoming Straken mini is great!). And of course, there's always room for some really heavy support. As such there's no worry there won't be anything happening here any time soon!
But relatively soon there might be some other place to look at. I jsut have to figure if I need to buy grey or blueish paint...
And as the finishing word. A snapshot of a side-project I've done over the last few days. I'll post something about it soon, but meanwhile if you want to know more you have to... dig. Deep. Drax, it seems you have some experience in that now? I'll just point at the archives tab on the side..
*salute* Until next time, gentlemen!
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Yay, an update. I got a few days off studying. Managed to pass everything ,just one (the worst, heh) exam left! This time also gave me an opportunity to test out the new codex and let me tell you, it is awesome! 42nd has triumphed twice so far. Anyway, the real update...
Here he is. The supreme commander of the 42nd Cadian Regiment, Lord Marshal Havelock Hals. My first dabble with NMM technique... Well, just see for yourself and tell me what you think.
I'm awesomely proud of him. My second try at NMM, first real one and it turned out really well. I had some accident with him being metal and later with varnish being thick... Luckily I managed to save him the cruel fate and he can proudly lead the men of the 42nd to battle. And lead he does! Victory after victory, we bring the Emperor's Light to the enemies of Man!
I also have to say I really love that servo-skull that came with the new command squad, it adds some character to the mini definitely.
More pictures are to be seen, just click below!
Here is his command staff, freshly out of the training grounds. I'll post up more details once they're actually painted.
And the second command squad I'll be sporting. While Hals and his staff make up the Regimental Command Squad, this one is of the 3rd Company. Lead by freshly-promoted Lieutenant-Colonel Emmet who has just recently stopped being a humble veteran sergeant. I'll prolly scribble some fluff for this eventualy.
Anyway here he is, yep, nothing special but he isn't fully finished yet, lacking some accessories and such:
Though his true form.. is rather... different!
Right, just kidding. Yup, I couldn't really decide what loadout should he have so he'll have it all!
And on a finishing note, since a very long time I actually posted Hals on CMoN. If you would be so kind to vote for it you can do it here. No registration or anything required, thanks!
And lastly, something to wet your appetite for the upcoming update:
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Not _that_ much today, but still. The Command Squad is now fully finished!
I'm quite proud of the guys, turned out quite well. There are of course flaws which annoy me (although I do find flaws immidiately in every single piece of my work, not matter what people say of it ;)), but all in all they turned out great. Especially the officer, let me re-iterate how much I love this model.
And so the entire first platoon is ready for combat, fully converted, painted and based! The first platoon is supposed to be a special weapon platoon, armed with the Imperium's and Regiment's best equipment, hence the plasma guns and the Lascannons every squad has.
I was thinking for the new codex I'll probably move Lascannons into squad (and maybe double the ammount) on their own and add a second plasma to ever of those squads and/or add a squad with meltas. That'd make exactly for adding a vox fella and second plasma into each squad, but I'm not bothering with glueing anything, just in case those rumours weren't that accurate or I end up with a different vision.
Now the second platoon which is armed with more mundane weaponry. Namely Grenade Launchers all the way with some Autocannons and Missle Launchers! Even though flamers seem to be much more effective I just love grenade launchers. Maybe it comes a bit from DoW, where Grenades rock (DoW II rocks as well if you're wondering), but whatever. Maybe I'll swap out some guys with flamers in new codex or make 2xgrenade 2x flamer squads.
For now I'm pretty much painting the guys and not marking their squad assigments yet, till the new codex and new army list.
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As I promised. 42nd Cadian log is back in business! Starting off with some showcase work I've done, just because I love the model. Then, we move on from 42nd machine park onto the nearly done platoon! Here we go.
And more shots of the Graf!
Now a sneak peak of an update to come. 42nd machine park, including Demolisher, LRBT, Basilisk, Hellhound and two recon Sentinels. More shots to come soon!
With the new IG codex coming up fairly soon I decided it's about time to stop slacking and get to work! I hope to paint everything I got left (Entire second platoon consisting of 4 squads...) before May, when I'll get my hands busy on some Valkiries, psykers and most likely even more guardsmen! Bear with me as there's still a long way to go.
That's it for today. Requests for closeups? Post 'em! Also, tell your friends that 42nd is back in business, ready to smack the enemies of the Imperium!
Also as the closing words, thanks for those comments in previous post. I honestly though everyone just forgot about this, it's nice to see I have some support. :)
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