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The Keenest Eyes  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , , ,

Female Cadian Snipers! Now that I got your attention - Something that probably most of you have been looking mostly to. I have checked the statistics that Blogger started providing with the redesign and the first post on it is the 4th most viewed post on this blog of all time. Wow! I hope I will not let anyone down. Without further ado, the 304th Sniper Squad!

The all-female sniper squad that is count-as Ratlings. If you are interested in the modelling process and parts used I will just refer you to the main post on the subject. And now, on with the pictures! Many, many pictures, starting with an obligatory group shot!

The first sniper, one with the neat hair. Also the only one using original plastic sniper rifle.

Aaand the back. The camo cloaks aren't perfect, I was considering adding some static grass to get something similar to this, but in the end, dropped the idea.

The "sergeant". I really like how she turned out! Of course Ratlings don't have snipers in the codex, but this is the 304th vet squad pretty much!

And her... backside...

The very characterful "I don't give a damn my hair looks like a pot".

Casually smoking a lho-stick and waiting for the target to come into the field of view.

Another blonde, they also seemed to have turned out the best! This one is aiming at something coming close. This also shows that those gs sniper rifles aren't really too perfect.

Although they did turn out much better than I had anticipated at first. You cannot tell the difference from a distance and even up close they don't look particularly bad!

The hooded one. With a strange face too.

As I said in the modelling post, the hood feels a bit off, but overall the model is nice.

And the helmetted one! Unfortunately turned out to be my least favourite of the bunch, but she still looks quite good!

Also she's the only runner in the squad!

And that's it. That was the final update for the Guard for quite a while to come. There's other things I want to add, but mostly the Guard is done. I dropped the idea of a third platoon for now, since the ammount of cash needed is a bit too much for me now. Instead I am finishing up the Space Wolves and need to start painting those damned Dark Eldar as well!

Anyway, I hoped you liked them as much as I did! Let me know!

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Fire from the Sky  

Posted by Hal'jin in , ,

Aand another miniature that has been sitting there unpainted for years now. The final member of the Regimental Advisors, one that, sadly, turned out to be quite lackluster. The Master of Ordnance.

While I probably won't be fielding that guy much, he still has quite an amazing model, that I like very much and I thought it's about time to give him some paint, especially considering that his friends have been painted for a very long time.

He is quite a characterful model. Like the two others he has plenty of little detail hanging around. This time starting with a nice closeup shot!

Some overall shots. The lightning was very... yellow, so I did some adjustments in Photoshop. It seems colours are preserved well though!

I'm not absolutely happy with the face though. Turns out the brush was quite worn out the moment I was painting him.

Unlike the other advisors, he nearly blends in the 42nd with all the same colour scheme as the rest of the army. After all he is coming for a Cadian Artillery regiment so he gets similar gear!

After I've painted him I am a little tempted to field him, even though he isn't really that great on the tabletop. Perhaps in my all-infantry Guard list I've been thinking about lately!

And that's about it. Stay tuned for Thursday for a big reveal too, something a lot of you wanted to see! Also don't hesitate to comment on this one!

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For He is Our Lord and Saviour!  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

Another thing that has sat on the shelf for quite a while. While perhaps not the most noteworthy unit on the tabletop, it's definitely one of he more characterful ones. As I mentioned, it was inspired by one on Excommunicate Traitoris blog. What am I talking about? Iacton Thauss, the Holy Preacher and a Missionary of the God Emperor himself!

I really enjoyed building him (also gave me something to do with those excess flagellants...) but painting him was quite a lot of fun too! I decided to give him a little different colour, so that he stands out a little, although it is still a colour present in the army so he ties in visually.

At first his robes were supposed to be red, but then I thought he'll be too similar to my Psykers. So I went with green. Although I decided that his flak vest and weapons are more tied to the 42nd. Perhaps the regimental quartermasters decided to grant him these as a favor or as thanks for something he has performed?

The name of the character, is actually Iacton Leman Thauss, and he is a character I used to play in Dark Heresy. He was meant to be this crazy flamer/shotgun-totting crazy priest with a chainsword. At least on the outside as inside he is actually quite a smart and calculating man. However this is Iacton flash forward quite a few years.

Suddenly he is blinded, although he still sems to be quite capable of hitting enemies instead of allies, as he claims the Emperor grants him sight, so he does not need his eyes. It also seems that whatever blinded him has also made him forget the smart and calculating part and only made him more crazy. Although he still is quite an orator. And what of his ties to the Inquistion? After all, he used to be part of an Inquisitor's cell...

Perhaps the mystery won't be solved, especially since nobody really knows about those things! However he turned out to be quite a nice model and I really had fun painting somethinga little different. I especially like how the wood turned out. Hope you like him too, let me know what you think in the comments!

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1st Platoon Command  

Posted by Hal'jin in , ,

A small update today. But it's only foreshadowing what is to come. I present to you the re-built 1st Platon Command.

For a long time now 1st Platoon has done nothing more than just gathered dust on the shelf, since its loadout (Plasma + Lascannon) wasn't really the bread and butter of the new codex as much as it was of the old one. Also one of the squads got stripped down to the 32-A and 32-B Special Weapon Squads, so I swapped stuff around and they ended up with Missile Launchers instead of Lascannons. Which pretty much made for an even worse loadout.

But no more. Recently I have decided to re-structurize the Platoon entirely. While this particular Command Squad has been built at the same time as the 2nd Platoon one, it's been sitting there on the shelf, due to lack of use anywhere.

Now it changed. The Platoon was restructurised. Now the squads will be armed with just Lascannons, while the plasma guys have been moved, as you maybe noticed, to Emmet's Company Command Squad.

Of course that means I have to re-build the 3rd squad that I disbanded. It also means I have two Missile Launchers, so I'll be likely adding a third one to make a full heavy weapon squad. Just so that they do not go to waste, since it's hardly a useful unit (or one that I'd somehow like regardless)

You can see the base color-coding is now a permanent feature of the 1st Platoon as well!

And the poor JO that was used a lot in the last codex. He will now get a chance to get back into the thick of it!

That's it, but stay tuned for more. I will have you know, that everything playable (so excluding like 3 lone miniatures I have that don't fit anywhere) in the 42nd is now fully painted. Yep, that's it. I will have to paint up that squad I'm adding and I have aquired one more minor thing, but other than that 42nd is more-or-less fully finished (barring any future additions there might be!). Right now I'm also finishng up the last of Space Wolves. So soon there will be just Dark Eldar left to do and then probably Necrons. That of course doesn't mean I won't be adding to the Guard and SWs, I am actually about to do it (To IG what I mentioned, SW a minor thing as well, but for the sake of completness!). But now whenever I add something I can paint it straight away as there will be absolutely no backlog for those two armies! Yay me, I guess. Expect to see "a few" more updates very soon!

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The Background section  

Posted by Hal'jin in ,

Introducing the background of the 42nd Cadian Regiment! A new section of the webpage that's dedicated to hold every silly thing I come up with every now and then. Once the background section rolls out more fully there will probably be a wider section for each of my armies as I write stuff up!

For now, it's just one page, sort of a teaser, the regimental organisation of the entire 42nd Cadian Regiment.

Making this chart makes me actually quite excited about my own regiment, each Company has its own distinct feel (at least in my head) and perhaps someone will like the idea and maybe one day there will be another company of the 42nd out there!

The panel on the right for now will serve as means to getting to the Background section. More will appear as I finish up writing it, for now, I invite you to check this cool chart out!

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Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

Time for something heavier again. Two newly painted vehicles sported by the 42nd Cadian!

Starting off with the Chimera of the 303rd Veteran squad. Nothing too fancy, just a regular Chimera, although I did decide to put a tank commander on there to help it stand out a little. Also since there is no accessory sprue in the kits anymore...

A little shot from a different angle.

From the rear, you can clearly see the 303rd squad number on it! Also shows how dull is a Chimera without the stowage...

And a closeup on the tank commander. I actually really like the new version of him, looks good!

But the Chimera isn't the only thing, there's also an additional Leman Russ in its most basic variant!

I did have some leftover accessories so I could spice him up a little. Also I have to say I really like the new LRBT design. Even though it isn't much different the turret just feels better.

A shot on the rear

And a little closeup on the turret.

All in all I am quite pleased with those. Although it seems that the humble LRBT isn't as efficient as it used to be and I am only noticing it now. Even though it kills Marines quite nicely it just doesn't have the "oomph" other HS choices have. Oh well, I still do have two and will field them from time to time. Maybe if I get to do the Armored Company I was thinking of...

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The Great Summary  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

Here we are, the second part of the 100-post, that I promised a while back. Photos of everything. Unfortunately I didn't have much time, to take the armies out and arrange them in some awesome back ground like Karitas did for example, still better than nothing, huh?

The 42nd Cadian and Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company occupy five shelves in total, leaving little place for anything else... And even for those I had to buy more shelves. Oh well, at least Space Wolves are quite compact and even if I add some more they shouldn't exceed their space... Hopefully...

Of course there's closeups!

Going from the bottom to the top! If you follow my blog you might notice there's some things I haven't shown before, well, they are coming, pretty soon as well!

Turns out I left the charger for the camera batteries in Denmark... Go me! Still, I managed to take a lot of pictures before they died, so there's plenty of updates coming in the next few weeks!

As you can see, the heavy stuff occupies the lower shelf. The upper isn't that much crammed, there's room for some Blood Claws *cough*.

The unfinished terminators in the foreground. The next thing to be done, whenever I get a chance to pick up the brush again!

Now the Guard, the not-so-vast-but-still-decent machine park of the 42nd. First Fast Attack then Heavy Support.

Damn those Valks sure take up a lot of space, don't they? Apologies for plastic attack! Those tanks are on schedule right after the last Wolves minis.

The Elite section. Or rather, Psykers with Veterans, who aren't elite anymore, but I don't really have many more Elites, and they used to be so...

All units in front of their respective Chimeras, or well, more or less.

Lastly the mass of infantry, with the new snipers in the front, who still cry out for some paint.

The platoons, which can't really be seen from that angle... Ooops.

And uh. That's it, looks like I ran out of minis. The ones on the top shelf are some single leftovers, like a single Cadian Sergeant left from the previous codex or a converted SoB Canoness I used to field in the past as well. They will get their time at some point though, I think.

I apologise for the quality of some shots, as I said above I can't really re-take them right now. Perhaps once I'm fully back I'll do some other army shots that will be more impressive..

Anyway, it also seems that the Dark Eldar have no space on the shelves... I guess some books will have to migrate and make room for more plastic crack. Soon I won't have room for anything in my room anymore, they're everywhere already anyway.

Looking forward to your opinions! And I hope you, on the other hand, look forward to the content coming up soon!

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A new century of posts  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

Yay, a hundred posts. Finally. This took way longer than it should have, but I'm finally there! There's a few changes coming to the blog, but nothing major. I was planning to take some nice group shots of all my armies, unfortunately, since I'm still not home, it's going to be delayed a little. But it will eventually come!

I guess the only thing I can do for now is show you the fancy army lists and talk about my plans. Hooray!

Starting off with the classic - the 42nd itself.

As you can see there's still a lot of Guard stuff I want to add and still a lot of unfinished new stuff, including the female sniper squad I've done a while earlier. Those will be dealt with as soon as I'm done with the Wolves (since those have the least unpainted models).

I'm planning to add a lot of vehicles as you can see and another platoon... Although that one isn't 100% sure since it's a lot of painting again. Probably going to finish off other things before that. The entire thing is about 4255 points. And that's a lot of stuff, geez! What I currently own alots to measly 3585, which compared to most of Guard armies I've seen out there is nothing. Oh well!

Next up are the Space Wolves of the Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company.

As you can see nearly everything I own is painted. A handful of things I'd like to eventually add, although none of these are a high priority for me (The Blood Claws are the most likely to come in the near future). The Battle Leader is only awaiting final assembly, because I'm still lacking a 60 mm base to put him one. The other things are just fancy options I wouldn't mind having at some point. This clocks at 4496 points of which I own 3856. More than the Guard, that's embarassing.

And finally the Dark Eldar.

Lots and lots of white here. There's a purchase for them imminent after which they should be nicely playable at low points. But there's still loads of things I'd like to do with them. 1160 out of 4173 here.

And that's about it. What to expect in the future? First of all I'm going home next week and I'll probably get an army with me, so you can expect some battle reports, also maybe some painting progress (although I might not have time for that as well as gaming, for a while, since exams are approaching). There's definitely going to be some tutorials upcoming for a couple of things. Some Dark Eldar conversions that I have in mind and such. Also I'm planning to do some shots of the store here and GW store in Copenhagen, at least for my polish readers to see. I hope you stay with me!

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