Showing posts with label Dark Eldar. Show all posts

How to Magnetise the Dark Eldar Razorwing  

Posted by Hal'jin in , ,

Right, about time for some tutorial! Dark Eldar Razorwings. Everyone loves the model. However it comes with a real ton of armament options and being a DE model it's all very flimsy thin and hard to drill in, so I had to come up with some way to magnetise those, especially the missiles, which are probably the thing that will get changed the most. If you ran into some problems I hope this little article will help you out!

So here we have our fighter. I have magnetised everything that is interchangable, as laid out in front of him, although I haven't magnetised all missiles yet. I am using cylindrical 3x1 mm neodymium magnets for this, small would be handy, but can't be even 1 mm bigger than that.

Let's start with the fighter's underbelly. First the two missile holders that are in the middle - the ones moulded onto the hull. Drill two smal holes in the red spots marked below. Easy enough.

Next the more tricky part, the outstanding missile holders. It's probably best done beore you glue them onto the hull. You have to cut them down a little bit, following the red line as shown in the picture below. Remove everything marked red and glue the magnet roughly in the same position as in the photo. Make sure all magnets you attach are polarized in the same direction - that way any missile will fit any spot, else it might get very annoying.

Now for the missile. Not as hard as one might expect. Drill (carefully), a hole in the spot marked by red roughly in the middle between the holes, a bit more to the front. The red lines show the distance from both of them

And that's it for the missiles, you can do that easily with each missile variant. Now for the rest - the hull guns. They're really easy to magnetise. First put a magnet inside the square hole in the fighter. The 3mm magnet should fit perfectly in. However push it in, so that you have space for two magnets inside. That way you won't have to drill into the gun. (So there should be a 1 mm gap between the end of magnet and the flat area within the gun "hatch")

Then simply cut off the square peg and glue a magnet into its place

The last part - the forward splinter weapons. You have to do that before you glue the hull together! First cut down the splinter weapon block thing, as shown below. Cut out as much as you can from the top. Below you can see a Splinter Cannon that is uncut and the rifles that have been adjusted. Then simply put a magnet at the backside.

On the Razorwing itself it's a bit more tricky. There is a "bar" inside that prevents the prow gun to be pushed too far in. Place a magnet flat on top of it. It will be powerful enough to hold the weapon, but careful with polarization there. The cutting down of the top of the block makes it possible for the weapont ob e taken out and put back in after you glue the hull together.

And that's it, I hope you find it useful. I'm slowly runnning out of things to post, will have to get working more, but Skyrim just had its release and I'm kinda stuck into it now. But still, see you on Thursday!

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Almost into the Realspace  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

I finally managed to sit down and pick up the brush. Yaay. Here are the first test models for the Dark Eldar.

Starting with a humble Kabalite.

As usual, more shots.

I like how he turned out, was fun to paint something purple for a change. I am not entirely sold on the colors of the base however. Mostly because I need to buy new Catachan Green, mine is just very very very old.

And a WIP Raider. Okay, I suck at edge highlighing since I haven't painted in a looong while. Hopefully it will get better. It looks good from a distance though so it's not that bad!

And that's it for now, back to the Raider!

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The Dark Mastermind  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , , ,

More evil space elves! This time, the guy behind it all, the Archon - Ecthos, I called him.

I really liked the original metal model for the Archon, but I decided it needs at least a little bit personification. And I'd rather have him have different wargear. Thus, a little (Not too complex though. I hate Dark Eldar for that, I really want to do some heavily converted army but the original models are just so awesome I can't think of a way to improve them..) conversion work and here we go!

To add some more awesomness to the most important Eldar around, I put him on a much more elaborate base.

There are of course more shots.

He is equipped with an Agonizer, Splinter Pistol, Phantasm Grenade Launcher (although I probably should've magnetised that in case he doesn't go with Incubi as previously planned) and a Shadow Field. I wonder if I could do some fancy painting trick to represent the last one.

I used the pike from the Raider to add something in the background, so that the base isn't as flat. Then I though it would look much better if I sculpted some foliage on it, in line with that on the ground.

Originally I intended for the entire model to be magnetised, but those arms are small. Almost impossible. Unfortunately I almost ruined the entire model drilling the hole for the Agoniser arm, thus it is there to stuf. Splinter Pistol can be exchanged, for something else just in case.

And a little closeup on the skulls for the thro.. er, nevermind

Anyway, I have been readng Horus Heresy again. And I feel a huge craving to do another Marine army, curse you GW! But since there's still some Wolves left to paint, hopefuly I'll sate that Marine-hunger. Although Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons would be quite awesome, perhaps one day...

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Introducing the Kabal of Last Hatred  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

The moment I saw them I knew they had to be mine. Even though the Emperor resides firmly in my heart I broke. The first Xenos in my hands. But how many of us failed to resist those excellent models? Introducing... the Kabal of Last Hatred.

The Kabal has a pretty strong theme of necromancy going, although I am unsure how best to represent it. I would've done some conversions but.. the models are so exccelt without any modifications I find it hard to do. But the Kabal has a nice backstory I could expand on, while it also has my favourite paint style for the DE - purple! Some painting methods will be applied to reinforce the tone and I had a funny idea for the Beasts... Of course Wracks are perfect opportunity for those as well, but again, I love those models. Damnit.

Anyway, enough idle talk, the Kabalites!

Want more? There is more!

The Kabalites are armed with a Blater and a Splinter Cannon. Probably the best loadout they could have. I tried Dark Lance equipped ones in some battles and they failed miserably. Blaster and SC give them mobility which the DE are all about. Of course they should probably ride around in Raiders which unfortunately I did not have enough of at that point.

Anyway, the models are just models, you've probably seen hundreds of unpainted DE on the internet. Let's look at more interesting points, the bases for instance.

I got inspired by resin bases I found on the internet. I actually planned to fit this army on some, from MicroArt, but none really fit the army as I imagined it. I found bases elsewhere but then I though I need not pay so much, I can do it myself! With careful application of a compass (Seriously, that's an english name for that tool? Really?) I scratched into the surface of epoxide mass and made patterns and runes. I added some skulls (I bought 80 skulls for around 3 pounds, nothing like recieving a letter full of skulls!), some green stuff leaves, and soil, an idea I've taken from MASSIVE VOODOO. I love those bases, but making them is so time consuming..

And the Sybarite. I thought he deserved something more than just the fancy... back.. pole.. thing. So a small conversion. Alas, poor Yorick!

And another squad. I only have two for the moment. I should have three, but I really spent way too much money on those thus far...

You can see metal things in the back. More on those in future post!

Here is the other Subarite. Also slightly converted.

A sample squad of Wyches. Great models, awesome dynamism, horribly fragile weapons... The entire army is actually quite hard to transport, without suffering losses. Even before the battle! Especially the Raiders with various hanging parts...

Now a couple of more interesting closeups.

A skull. Those are made out of gypsum, by the way.

Plant! Making them is actually fun, I though it would be more tedious, but it's fast and easy. It's attaching them to the base that annoys me to no end, as they don't want to stick nicely sometimes...

I like the pose of that guy, although I think I took that picture (it was a while ago), to show the circular pattern on the tile...

So sample miniatures again.

And the Hekatrix. I swapped the Agonizers around a little so each has a different!

And since this post has been started long ago, but I never wrote the content, a lot changed since then, and this is the chart of the army as it is now. It grew quite huge, clocking at around 2500 points now. As I said, spent way more money on it in a short period of time, that I should have since now I have a lot to paint... Reminds me of when I was starting the Guard...

Anyway I hope you liked those. I will be showing more interesting parts from time to time, but the painted models are still a while off. I only have a few models left to paint for the Wolves and I thought I'll finish those first.

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A new century of posts  

Posted by Hal'jin in , , ,

Yay, a hundred posts. Finally. This took way longer than it should have, but I'm finally there! There's a few changes coming to the blog, but nothing major. I was planning to take some nice group shots of all my armies, unfortunately, since I'm still not home, it's going to be delayed a little. But it will eventually come!

I guess the only thing I can do for now is show you the fancy army lists and talk about my plans. Hooray!

Starting off with the classic - the 42nd itself.

As you can see there's still a lot of Guard stuff I want to add and still a lot of unfinished new stuff, including the female sniper squad I've done a while earlier. Those will be dealt with as soon as I'm done with the Wolves (since those have the least unpainted models).

I'm planning to add a lot of vehicles as you can see and another platoon... Although that one isn't 100% sure since it's a lot of painting again. Probably going to finish off other things before that. The entire thing is about 4255 points. And that's a lot of stuff, geez! What I currently own alots to measly 3585, which compared to most of Guard armies I've seen out there is nothing. Oh well!

Next up are the Space Wolves of the Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company.

As you can see nearly everything I own is painted. A handful of things I'd like to eventually add, although none of these are a high priority for me (The Blood Claws are the most likely to come in the near future). The Battle Leader is only awaiting final assembly, because I'm still lacking a 60 mm base to put him one. The other things are just fancy options I wouldn't mind having at some point. This clocks at 4496 points of which I own 3856. More than the Guard, that's embarassing.

And finally the Dark Eldar.

Lots and lots of white here. There's a purchase for them imminent after which they should be nicely playable at low points. But there's still loads of things I'd like to do with them. 1160 out of 4173 here.

And that's about it. What to expect in the future? First of all I'm going home next week and I'll probably get an army with me, so you can expect some battle reports, also maybe some painting progress (although I might not have time for that as well as gaming, for a while, since exams are approaching). There's definitely going to be some tutorials upcoming for a couple of things. Some Dark Eldar conversions that I have in mind and such. Also I'm planning to do some shots of the store here and GW store in Copenhagen, at least for my polish readers to see. I hope you stay with me!

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A Call to Arm... Names  

Posted by Hal'jin in ,

Sooo, I have a problem. I can't think of any catchy names that I could apply to my Dark Eldar.

Therefore, I need your help! If you have any awesome DE names for:

  • A Kabal
  • A Wych Cult
  • A Haemonculi Coven
  • An Incubi Shrine
  • An Archon
  • A couple of Haemonculi
Don't be shy and leave a comment. So far I managed to come with Kabal of the Withered Skull. And that's about it. Also, I seem to recall that White Dwarf featured some nicely purple-painted Kabal. If anyone has a name and some background on it, I'd be really grateful!

By the way, I've went to a local store here and it's awesome. I got to see the new Grey Knight terminators and now I have a really strong urge to build a small Terminator-oriented force. We'll see. There's still like 400 pounds to be spent on finishing the current 3 armies...

Oh and I bought a blister of Razorwings. Just because. Also, one will make an excellent Chooser of the Slain.!

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Dum di dum  

Posted by Hal'jin in ,

Hey guys, remember me still?

Yep, it's been a long long time with no updates. There's reasons for that though! I'm spending a semester abroad, to be more precise, in Denmark. And unfortunately there was no way to pack any of my stuff onto the plane. I was just too scared of having a pile of bits instead of an army at the end. Thus, I had nothing to write about.

Hopefuly that is going to change soon, when I go back home for Easter, I might pick up at least some unfinished stuff. That means mostly Dark Eldar, yay. Remember the fancy sheets, I so blatantly stole from Admiral Drax? Here's one for the DE.

As you can see, my plans are quite big. It adds up to some 4k points of stuff. And lots of money, hooray. Also, it's still a very rough concept, didn't even have time to come up with good names for stuff! If you have any suggestions, feel free to throw them my way! The models are... "assembled" in fact. Not really finished either. The army still need a lot of work, but first I'll have to finish those 6-7 models for the Space Wolves that are left.

Still waiting for the new models which are supposed to come out soon, that's going to be a lot money spent soon... And now I actually have to buy my food, the horror.

That's not all though!

So, the Grey Knights came out. Awesome, awesome models, like always. The Dreadknight is a tad on the lame-side, but oh well. Perhaps.. Perhaps I could start a army of those at some point. I like a idea of all Terminator force that you could possibly make out of that codex. I love terminators and those are the most badass there are! But that's after I finish up everything else. And then the SoB codex will probably come out and I'll fail all my Willpower tests against buying a lot of them!

At least my cousin has a GK army, which he will now expand, so I'll be able to hold them in my hands and play a few games with them as well!

Anyway I guess commenting on stuff that's happening is all that I'm going to do for a while. So, see you soon (hopefully)!

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