Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label romance. Show all posts

Sunday, 25 August 2024

What I read in July 2024

I unfortunately do not have the energy to review every book I read or every game I play. I frequently say stuff on Twitter, but that's about it. I feel it would be nice to get back into the habit of monthly reads' plays so at least you know what I've been reading and gaming. So let's begin with the books! The games will be in a separate post

Due to being tired and unwell more than normal I didn't read a lot this month and that's ok

The Abandonned Empress by Yuna and Ina, Korean Manga, Excellent

The fact each page is full colour has me so happy! Trying not to be killed in her reincarnated life, this little Empress is smart, has the most beautiful clothes and a tale that I'm intrigued by and wish I could afford more than one book every 1-2 months. 

AdelAIDE by Melinda Salisbury, Young Adult, Dyslexia Friendly, Teen, Excellent 

And people wonder I don't like AI! this is edge of the seat reading. Review here.


 Peter Pan by J M Barrie, Classic Literaure, Okay 

Peter is the villain - he kills pirates! Literally! Glad I read it but won't reread. Review here.


Pirate Academy #1 New Kid on Deck by Justin Somper, Children's, 7 years +, Excellent

Adored Justin's Vampireate series, check out my review here.

Sunshine At the Cornish Bakery by Sarah Hope, Romance, Very good 

Who doesn't love a bakery themed read? Yes it made me want pastries a lot. But was a sweet romance. 

Shelter in Place by Nora Roberts, Thriller, Audiobook, very good

1st ever Nora Roberts book, long but extremely clever with plot twists. Looking forward to the other books I have of hers.


Thursday, 12 October 2023

Guest Blog Post: Are Courageous Women in Stories More Interesting To Read About? by Linda Weaver Clark


Nayu: It is with great delight I present today's guest post, Linda Weaver Clarke, an author who writes a range of fiction including romance and cozy mysteries. My favourite series by her is the Amelia Moore detective series, I have links to the books I've reviewed in it in the 7th book, Amelia Moore #7 The Lighthouse Secret by Linda Weaver Clarke (Audiobook, Cozy Mystery, 9/10E) 

 You can find out about her romance books at the end of the guest post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and check out her work! Be sure to check out Linda's website too. I've read but not yet reviewed Light At the End of the Tunnel.

Are Courageous Women in Stories More Interesting To Read About? by Linda Weaver Clarke

 Courageous women in stories seem to draw readers’ attention and grab their interest. The bravery and strength of character easily draws them into the story. It takes courage to stick up for one’s rights and defend one’s beliefs. During the 1840s, there were many brave women who fought against injustice and inequality. Many wanted to have a better education. These women made a difference and influenced others to make a better life for themselves.

A fairly new historical romance series was released that has received outstanding reviews on Amazon and Audible Audiobooks. It is called “Women of Courage.” In these novellas, the spunk and courage of these women seem to draw the readers into a world of adventure.

In The Light at the end of the Tunnel, Hannah is a young single mother who has had a few hardships since arriving in America. But the trials in her life only make her stronger. Hannah realizes she can make something of her life by opening a hot chocolate shop. She soon finds that starting her own business isn’t as easy as she thought. But she will not give up. When Thomas learns that she has spirit, he is intrigued with her.

This romance wrapped around my heart as it took me into the struggles of Hannah, such a brave woman… The characters come to life on the page as Thomas falls for Hannah and adores her child. However, Hannah is caught up in her day-to-day trials and with her independent streak, she only thinks of making a life for her and her daughter. Can Thomas get her attention and change her mind?” ~ Author Gail Pallotta

Hannah isn’t the only one who shows her independent nature. Serenity has just as much courage. Chasing thieves off her property and entering a horse race are just a few things that describe this young Welshwoman’s spunk. In A Lady of Refinement, Serenity teaches an evening class for adults and helps them to read and write and have a better education. Reading is Serenity’s favorite pastime, where she can go on one adventure after another. She wonders if anyone can measure up to the heroes in her books. But the adventures soon become real after arriving in America. When Jonathan meets Serenity, a refined woman from Wales, he wonders how he can win her heart.

How I enjoy finding a book that will not let me put it down until I'm done!  This was the case with A Lady of Refinement.  Linda Weaver Clarke used a true story of her ancestor’s as a base, and it rang familiar to me, as my ancestors also migrated to America during the same time period. The main character, Serenity, is the refined lady and it was such a delight when she bested a few arrogant males.  My favorite character, however, was Jonathan, who was very taken with Serenity.  Time will tell if he is successful at capturing her attention.” ~ Louise Pledge Reviews

There is one more independent woman in this series. The third novella is about a young woman who stands before an audience and fights against involuntary servitude and slavery. Frederick Douglass, an abolitionist, wrote: “When the true history of the antislavery cause shall be written, women will occupy a large space in its pages; for the cause of the slave has been peculiarly a woman’s cause.”

In A Mississippi Sunset, Laura McBride is a liberated and courageous young lady who is convinced that she can help others in her crusade for equality. She encourages women to fight for their beliefs and be heard. But she soon finds out that women who speak publicly are looked down upon. When Deputy William Davies meets Laura, he admires her spunk and determination to fight against slavery.

I really enjoyed this sweet and clean historical fiction and romance. A Mississippi Sunset is part of a series of brave women who were not afraid to take a stand in what they believe needed to be changed and you will see some historical figures that appear in this book!  Loved that. This is a very enjoyable book and it is well worth a read!” ~ Sunnie Reviews

Taking true experiences from the author’s ancestors, this series of novellas was created. These young ladies were considered “women of courage.”

Watch 2 book trailers below to peak your interest.

Women of Courage trailer 1

Women of Courage trailer 2


About Author: Author Linda Weaver Clarke is the author of 35 books. All her books are family friendly. Linda works at the FamilySearch Center where she helps people find their ancestors. She also teaches a free class at FamilySearch about writing biographies and publishing it.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel is available on Amazon and on Audible narrated by BreAnne Okoren.

A Lady of Refinement is available on Amazon and on Audible narrated by BreAnne Okoren.

A Mississippi Sunset is available on Amazon and on Audible narrated by Elizabeth Schmidt.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Balance by Inghild Okland (Fantasy, Romance, 9/10E)

Totally gorgeous cover!

 5th February 2022, Dragonsong Publishing, 316 pages, Paperback & Ebook, Review copy 


A runaway princess. Time-twisting magic. What she doesn’t want? A knight to the rescue.

As Vildi, the less important princess of Rimdalir, my duty is to marry, and marry well. To the glacial chasms of hell with that!

I want adventure. A nice, suitor-free yet fairy-tale adventure. I can even endure rants about a tragic prince, if it brings me honey cake. Throw in a few mysteries, a sprinkle of old magic, and I’m happy.

That's what I thought.

Yet upon arriving in Lakari, Land of the Sun, I wander through familiar streets. I recognize the people, the taverns, even the black cat strolling as royalty through the market square. In this new land, no one was supposed to know my name, and yet I'm hunted.

Already they have killed me many, many times. And so I start over.

When a stranger finds me in the desert night, will he be my savior, or my undoing?

Nayu's thoughts  

Full disclosure, I recieved a copy in exchange for a fair review as always, but additionally I am friends with Inghild so there is a bit more bias than normal. That said Balance is an awesome tale! From the beautiful cover to the beautiful story, Vildi's adventure is super fun to read. So why doesn't it get full marks?

This is probably unique to me but I detest groundhog day style films/books where the same thing happens over and over only slightly differently. Possibly because I once had a groundhog day dream, and yes I have seen the film too. I really hate it. It was a bit hard having to read the mechanic in what is a fun read, however it does work as a plot mechanic and is cleverly done. I was extremely glad when Vildi's do-overs became less frequent due to circumstances. 

Personally Vildi does not know how good her life is. She is trying to rebel against it. I can see why she may not want to get married but running away from her duty...let's just say I wanted her life ever so much, so mid to late book I was very happy with how events turned out. I understand she is a free spirit and wants to do what she wants which is why she ran away, but I did question her sense of duty to her people. Few people get to be in positions of power. I get that she didn't choose who she is, but she still has a duty to her family and her people. At times it was hard to truly get into Vildi's shoes. I didn't like all her choices but I respected her for needing to make them. Dying all the time was a horrendous occasion, more so as she told no one. She kept it to herself, and due to what was happening as time passed she chose to be true to herself in how she acted by trying to stay alive, which is a lot harder than it sounds when people were so keen on killing her. 

Both world building and characters are memorable and felt like a foreign land I wanted to be in. Well maybe not starving to death in a desert which nearly ended up being Vildi's fate. I loved learning about her family, and being able to meet some of them later in the book was a real treat. The sandstorm experience felt so very real that I wonder if Inghild has experienced one first hand. I loved learning the different customs that Vildi both has and encounters, there is a spiritual sense too which resonates with me even though it is fictional. 

As you can see from the cover Balance is the first book in the series - there are going to be more which is awesome! I want to know more about Vildi and her family and friends. Yes she does make a new friend eventually! Lakari is not all doom and gloom for her, even if she feels like it is. She tries to resist her fate but some things can't be changed and they turn out to be not all bad.

Be sure to follow Inghild on Twitter to keep up with the latest news on her books!

Suggested read

If you like the sound of fantasy and danger combined then try out some of Maria V Snyder's books, like Night Study by Maria V Snyder (Fantasy, 10/10E, Short 'n' sweet review)



Monday, 6 December 2021

The Light At the End of the Tunnel by Linda Weaver Clarke (Historical romance)

 October 2021, 167 pages, Paperback and Ebook

Book Summary

After coming to America and enduring several trials, Hannah realizes she can make something of her life by opening a hot chocolate shop. She soon finds that starting her own business isn’t as easy as she thought.

When Thomas finds out that Hannah's shop is struggling, he comes to the rescue with a clever plan. Will she agree to such an unconventional idea? Can he convince her to find room in her heart for one more person?

Nayu's thoughts

I have known Linda as an author for many years now, and while I haven't yet read her latest book, she has written a guest post for you to enjoy about it. 

Amidst Trials, is there a Light at the end of the Tunnel?


All of us have challenges in our lives and we feel so alone. We sometimes wonder if we are the only ones who are experiencing difficulties. Have you ever felt that each trial you have endured was so difficult that you wondered where the “light at the end of the tunnel” was? Many times we try to solve our own problems and don’t bother talking to anyone or asking for help.


“No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something in each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it.” ~ Dieter F. Uchtdorf


This was Hannah’s attitude as she tried to search for the “light at the end of the tunnel.” How many times do we search for that light, wondering where it is and hoping that the trials in life will soon end? Is God watching over us? Is He there when we need some comfort? In our darkest moment, does Jesus Christ know how we feel? I believe He does.


Set in 1844, The Light at the End of the Tunnel is a historical romance. Book Reviewer and Author Gail Pallotta wrote: “This romance wrapped around my heart as it took me into the struggles of Hannah, such a brave woman. The characters come to life on the page as Thomas falls for Hannah. However, Hannah is caught up in her day-to-day trials, and with her independent streak she only thinks of making a life for her and her daughter. Can Thomas get her attention and change her mind?”


After coming to America and enduring several challenges and trials, Hannah realizes she can make something of her life by opening a hot chocolate shop. She soon finds that starting her own business isn’t as easy as she thought.


When Thomas finds out that Hannah's shop is struggling, he comes to the rescue with a clever plan. Will she agree to such an unconventional idea? Can he convince her to find room in her heart for one more person?


“I enjoyed this sweet historical romance very much.  This story shows the western spirit of adventure in a young widow who has faced many hardships to come to this point.  This is a Christian book and a very engaging and enjoyable read. You will enjoy this heartwarming story of a strong woman forging a new life.” Sunnie Reviews


To buy this book or eBook on Amazon, visit


Linda Weaver Clarke’s Author Blog:

Linda’s Audiobook Blog:

Linda’s Cozy Mystery Blog:

Linda’s Historical Romance Blog:

Suggested reads

Linda has written many novels, some of which I have reviewed including Amelia Moore #7 The Lighthouse Secret by Linda Weaver Clarke (Audiobook, Cozy Mystery, 9/10E)