Showing posts with label Blog Awards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Awards. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 January 2022

Nayu's News #255 I'm In Twinkl's Top Picks For Book Bloggers!


Lately I am not super regular in book reading or reviewing, I am trying to change that this year. Due to the sporadic blogging it was a surprise when I was contacted by Twinkl, an international publisher filled with learning resources,  to say I'd been chosen to be featured in an article about book bloggers! How cool is that! 

I sent in a photo of my bookcase and some words which actually refer to my good friend Gina of Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers who is all sorts of awesome despite being on a different continent. Here is the official info with the link to the article-I was asked to use the exact wording but I'm happy with it.

"I have been included in the most recent article <Twinkl's top picks for 
book bloggers> by the international educational publisher, Twinkl - you can 
read more here."

I even get a metaphorically shiny badge for my blog!!! It's so fancy!

It's a great way to start 2022 so thank you Twinkl!

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Nayu's News #180 I've won an award!

As soon as this post is live I'm adding this to my menu ^o^
Today was going to be a book review day (I'm pre-scheduling this on Wednesday afternoon), but as you can see it's not - I've won an award! I got an email today from Middle Shelf Magazine, who I'd never heard of before now, to say I'm one of their 2015 Best of Blogs for middle grade! You can see the award on page 48 at the bottom, I'm third one down (there isn't a number order). It's a happy surprise, and I'm touched that Middle Shelf Magazine think NRC helps promote middle grade fiction. Yay! Life is full of surprises ^o^
I'm a happy Nayu!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Blog awards v1

Right! This is going to be a permanent post, lodged in the side bar (if blogger gremlins allow) of any awards I get for this blog. I had real issues trying to get individual awards up on the side.

Note: um, I realise most of these are asked to be passed on...but they won't be. I never know who already has it and who doesn't. Blog time is in my free time, and I have to get so passing them on is below everything else. I'm really sorry.

Any award I get, I give to everyone whose blog I follow. So please copy and paste it to your blog!

First award received: received from Keren David, author of When I Was Joe, who is lovely and everyone should go read her debut novel.

Also received from Alexia of Alexia's Books and Such...

The One Lovely Blog Award

From fellow book review blogger Jo, author of YA book review blog Once Upon a Bookcase

The Splash Award

The Heartfelt Award
“Do you reach for a cup of cocoa or tea when you’re relaxing, seeking comfort, sharing a plate of cookies with family and friends? You know the feeling you get when you drink a yummy cup of cocoa, tea, or a hot toddy ? That is what the Heartfelt Award is all about, feeling warm inside.”

and also from Jo

The Honest Scrap Award

The Dragon Loyalty Award

This award is awarded to those followers who are the most loyal and give bloggers joy by commenting regularly and with their support. The rules are to pass it on to 3-7 followers who are as loyal as dragons.

From Rebecca Knight, aspiring writer

The Silver Lining Award
This award is for folks who find the Silver Lining in every situation, and tradition demands that I pass this on to FIVE fabulous bloggers who do just that.

Also from Rebecca Knight

The Happy Award

The YA Book Blog Award (I do review YA...and a lot of others!)

From GMR (my Meme Controller) of Satisfaction for the Insatiable Reader 

The Bodacious Blogging Book Reviewers Award