I say this at the end of the post too, this is not a sponsored post! I simply love Boomerang!
Most of you should be aware by now that I game a lot. I love gaming! It's a super fun, mostly low-energy using from my body activity I can do even when I don't feel great, which is a lot of the time thanks to my chronic health issues. Newly published games for the latest systems have always been expensive, but that cost definitely has risen for the two major consoles I use, the PS4 and the Nintendo Switch. I get so much gaming time because I can't work, but that bonus comes with not that much money to actually by games with.
I wholeheartedly recommend waiting for sales to buy any game, unless there are some you must simply get on launch day: for me upcoming games include
Animal Crossing 2019
One of my Animal Crossing New Leaf houses |
My Time At Portia (allegedly Spring release but no date yet)
Pokemon 2019
I adored the Let's Go Eevee game! |
Girls und Panzer Dream Tank Match Deluxe
The Asian version with English subs which I've preordered with PlayAsia and should get by the end of March due to shipping options. I absolutely adore the anime! To be able to drive tanks in a game involving the characters will be out of this world!
I've picked a fair few games in random sales, although Black Friday is the main annual one for great deals. I now play more indie games, something I never did much before but have come to love them like Stardew Valley (kind of finished with it, onto other farming sims!) , Mahjong Refresh (can't quite remember the exact name), Farm Together (whose title may put some off because it can be multiplayer but the solo version is great too) and many others. Equally when you buy a bigger game on the Switch eShop you get points that you can save for discount on other games.
However, even with sales I can't buy all the games I want to play, especially when some I only want to try rather than pay money for. My local library no longer provides games for rental, which is why I ended up discovering the wonders of Boomerang rentals.
Pusheen has totally the right idea here! |
With the cheapest subscription starting at £3.99
Boomerang a highly affordable way to try out loads of games. If you like them, and in my view if the price is cheaper than of other online retailers) you can buy most games that you rent from Boomerang. There are no deadlines that you need to return the games on, you can play them as long as you want, although in my view if you take forever to play a game it may work out cheaper just to buy it. I'm on a deal where I can have unlimited amount of games, I can have any from the newest systems including PS4 & Nintendo Switch (I don't have the latest Xbox), and I do get priority on newer games, although everyone does have a chance at playing them eventually.
Because I have so much free time, and because a fair amount of the games I'm trying with Boomerang are ones I don't expect to like, there's been a week or two in my 2 month subscription history that I've returned and received a few games in quick succession. Every game is sent in a cute prepaid envelope so you simply turn around the address when it's ready to send it back. Depending which games are on your list, and what setting you place on your rental list (select from any of the games, top 10/5/3/1) does mean you can sometimes wait a bit for a game. Most of my waits are now 6 days +, although I tend to bump a game up if the waiting time is sooner just so I can have a game to play with. I don't mind waiting much because if you have to wait a bit of time you get extra reward points which can be used to pay for your subscription, rent an extra game, buy a game, and more.
I've currently set my game rental for my top 10 because those are the ones I do really want to play, even if I have to wait a little. I have had one bonus game already, because there was a bit of a glitch on site where it was telling me I could choose between 2 Switch games to play for an extra game outside of my 2 game allowance, when in reality I didn't yet have the correct number of points to rent a Switch game (Boomerang explained once Switch games got more popular they changed the point requirement which was the problem on my account). I had messaged them to check out the bonus rental work, they noticed the error, but ever so kindly bumped up my allowance so I could experience the bonus game rental).
Through Boomerang rentals I've learned a lot more about this cute guy! |
I have had well over £200 worth of games to try out for the Nintendo Switch, 3DS, Vita, and PS4. Reviews will be coming soon but I got 75% through Ginger: Beyond the Crystal, I actually completed Yoshi's New Island, and am working my way happily through The Legend of Legacy which I've bought through Boomerang because their price was half that of the cheapest online price. It's been fun trying games I knew I wouldn't buy or really enjoy but simply wanted to try them. I hate Mario but I'm now planning on playing a fair amount of Mario games because you can play with other characters besides the annoying plumber.
I'm planning on working through a lot of farming sims like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory. I'm playing the Yoshi games mostly in order. I'm enjoying JRPGs that I've wanted to play for ages. All for a price which most people pay for the mobile phone rental (I pay £5 for unlimited texts on Pay As You Go on a super old plan and I'm not changing any time soon!)
Gaming is fun and does help me get through winter which my body hates. I genuinely love Boomerang rental system. I can't stress enough how lovely and helpful the staff are. They are patient, answer all my questions, explain things until I fully understand them (brain fog is a real thing and not fun because it means I can't think straight), go that extra mile for me. When I joined I chatted with them on Twitter and they asked which game I wanted to play first. I couldn't seem to activate my account out of the free trial (you mostly can't play games for the most recent consoles during the free trial or on a lower priced subscription) and they sorted that out for me. I do mention them a lot on Twitter because I love what they do. I am not sponsored by them (I wouldn't mind this happening one day...) in any way or form. The quality of service is incredible. I don't deal with many companies in life, so maybe a lot do act as helpful as Boomerang, but I can't fault anything about their system. It really does work as they say it does.
If you follow
Boomerang on social media they often do competitions with great prizes including subscriptions to the major consoles' online services, games, and free rental subscriptions. You can change what type of membership you are on at any time without penalty. I won't be at my current subscription forever, but it's nice knowing I can change at any time, or take a break and not rent anything for a few months if I want to. Do go check them out, gaming rental doesn't have many options in the UK and from what I'm hearing in the USA either, Boomerang are mostly definitely my recommended choice here in England! Their website is
I play on my own but gaming with friends is fun too! |