Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Nayu's News #239 Life is a bit chaotic

Felt like you'd all appreciate an upbeat creative picture!
Lately I've mostly been gaming (especially on Pokemon!!!! Got my first pokemon eggs, have started an orchard, got 1 gym badge and progressing towards the next in Pokemon Y) rather than reading due to my body hating the weather. I'd hoped to have set up a few blog posts this week for the following days, but that didn't happen as my body is on strike. I'm having my mega strong meds again tonight, so will be in Lala land until late next week. I promise to have posts up after that! 
Love Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Charmander and Squirtle! Got the 1st two in my Pokemon games!
I'm not telling!
A secret project I've mentioned previously is still happening, I still can't reveal anything until it's ready (hopefully mid February), but it is taking up my time and energy at the moment. I'll let you know when it is ready! 
Keep smiling!

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Over on Nayu's Crochet Dreams #19 & #20

This cute drawing really captures the mood of this week, unexpectedly sad (& I went to hospital for an appointment (no bandages involved!)
For news on what I've been up to as well as a bit of sad news check out my latest post on my other blog

Miku is making me smile as I play Project Diva F series & watch the music videos ^o^ Pretty in pink!

So sorry for the delay in posts! The internet played up when I was trying to originally post this, & after I was busy so couldn't come online. For reasons of said busy-ness check out my Hospital  Visit post over on Nayu's Crochet Dreams!
This actually relates to something in one of my NCD posts!

Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Still recovering

Yup, it really has been a good 10 days since I last posted (good in length of time, not in how I've been). I am recovering very slowly from this evil cold: had 3 consecutive days of napping the day away because I had a migraine, then 1 day of feeling so sick it wasn't true (thankfully no migraine then) but thankfully I didn't need to use the bin again. I only started picking up yesterday, and it's going to be a slow process. So please bear with me while posts are sporadic. I'm only doing what I need to. I will reply to emails when I can, but expect a delay in those. Everyone in my family has had this nasty cold, and due to my pre-existing health issues my body struggled with the virus. So I'm doing lots and lots of rest! Will be back as soon as I can.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Nayu's News #227 Review related announcements

Hi everyone! Today I've got some important mostly review related notices for you. Firstly apologies for the sporadic posting. I have a whole load of reviews that need scheduling, but The non notices are that the start of the week I was reacting to the flu jab, and the end of the week I had a 24 hour thing from a family member which my body of course took a few days to get over, because it likes to take it's time with germs.Then on the 1 day I wasn't too peaky my laptop didn't like the internet, so at least I was able to write the post just not post it. That's my life!


I guess you may think I'm boycotting Amazon, but I'm not. I boycott Nestle and Tesco – you don't want me to get on that soapbox, trust me), but being a homebody and finding shopping difficult the internet is wonderful, and Amazon spectularly so. Unless you are writing reviews. 

There have been some changes to Amazon review policy. With limited time each week I don't have the time to research the current change in detail, so I looked at a few articles to understand the gist of it. I was thoroughly confused because I'd managed to pick conflicting opinions on what the changes to reviews mean, whether it affects book reviewing or not. So for now, unless any of you can point me in the right direction of what the new policy really means I am no longer placing my reviews on Amazon.

I'm really sorry, but given that I have little energy and little time, if my review is going to be removed from Amazon there is no point in me putting it there. I know how important the reviews are to authors, but I have to save my own energy as much as possible, and it's easiest just for me not to put the review on Amazon..

Sainsbury's Entertainment

Some of you may have noticed that several of my book reviews are courtesy of Sainsbury's bookshop (so very awesome!). Unfortunately Sainsbury's has decided to focus on it's shops offline (& grocery shop online), so the book/music/movie/possibly 1 other product online store which came under the umbrella of Sainsbury's Entertainment is no more. 

You can find the full details here, which includes what happens if you already have a book/album/film with Sainsbury's. If the deadlines haven't passed then for either the music and/or the films you can get a refund, books won't be refunded but I think there's something about transferring them to a Kobo account. 

I'm accepting my books are disappearing as I don't have the energy to look into a Kobo account when all I use is a Kindle account for my ebooks. I'll simply buy the books if I want to read them – all the books were for review, so were technically free hence why I'm not planning on spending energy sorting out Kobo.Yes even loading an app uses my energy, so I have to be selective about what I do.

My social media accounts

Not that kind of tweeting...
I've saved the good news until last! I hate to end on a negative note in reviews and the same is true for blog posts. I'm playing around with Hootsuite, which is why the latest posts have had 'new post alert' preceeding the title on Twitter ad Facebook. Hootsuite automatically puts links up for my posts which saves me heaps of time. Unfortunately it means that my usual style of Tweet and FB update style which tries to tag the author and publisher currently isn't happening for the autoposting. 

I'm thinking of a way to fix that, which will involve drafting the Tweet/update prior to the review, then adding the link on the review day. This may defeat the issue of me using Hootsuite, but it may just work. Or I'll simply put 2 notices up, the generic Hootsuite notice as soon as the post goes live (or within the 6 hours period I told Hootsuite to check for blog updates) and the more specific Tweet/update when I've enough energy to email the details to the publicist/author. 

Please bear with me as I figure this out in my usual slow fashion.

That's it for today's notices, I hope you are enjoying the week, having a more stable internet connection, and start the week with a smile! 
Seeing Sora from Aikatsu means I definitely will watch it today!

Thursday, 12 November 2015

A bit busy....

Been sending a few of these...
Not that you'd know it as I prescheduled the last few posts, but been a bit peaky these last few days. Today I've sort of caught up with urgent emails, will reply to the rest and actually put up a 'proper' blog post tomorrow. Hopefully! Thank you for bearing with me.

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Judith Kerr will be at Chorleywood Literary Festival 14th November 2015!

Nayu here with big news! I hated having to say no to attending this festival as it stars Judith Kerr, whose books I grew up with, so if you can go, do! Here's all the info you need to know (pictures chosen by me)
On November 14th, Nicolette Jones is going to interview the iconic children’s author Judith Kerr OBE at Chorleywood Literary Festival 2015. Kerr is one of our most loved children’s authors. She is best known for her children’s books, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, 
An illustration from the book. I've recently had a notecard and wrapping paper set of the book which is really cool!

The expressive Mog, an adorable cat!

Happy Mog!

The scene where Mog dies...

and the iconic title When Hitler stole the Pink Rabbit 
This book always made me cry. I never forget the history lesson at secondary school where I learnt what happened to so many people in concentration camps. I remember leaving with a teaching assistant, crying over how cruel people can be. I think I read this book soon after that.
 which introduced children to concepts of the Second World War.

Kerr’s latest book, Mister Cleghorn’s Seal, published by Harper Collins Children's Books earlier this year, is already becoming a modern classic. The book is a warm and funny adventure story about Mr Cleghorn, who takes in an abandoned seal pup that he finds on a trip to the seaside. The book is inspired by Judith’s father, Alfred Kerr who did just that.

In a rare appearance Kerr will be interview by acclaimed writer, broadcaster and critic Nicolette Jones, Children's Books Editor of The Sunday Times for over 20 years. During her prestigious career Jones has interviewed a number of literary greats including Joan Bakewell, Vince Cable, Richard Ford, Elizabeth Jane Howard, John Humphrys, Erica Jong, Michael Morpurgo and Philip Pullman.

Judith Kerr in conversation with Nicolette Jones. Saturday November 14th | 2.30pm | Chorleywood Memorial Hall, Hertfordshire, WD3 5LN

4th-18th November 2015


An all-star line-up has been announced to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Chorleywood Literary Festival, which takes place on November 4 – 18.

Headlining this year is iconic children’s book-illustrator Judith Kerr, who will be discussing her much-loved books including Mog and The Tiger Who Came to Tea, whilst other highlights include Vince Cable introducing his book on the 2008 economic crash After the Storm; Charles Moore who explores what it’s like to be the official biographer of Margaret Thatcher, and Nick Frost who will be talking about his candid autobiography, Truths, Half Truths & Little White Lies: A Memoir.
The festival will launch its first ever Debut Author Evening, in association with publishers Weidenfeld and Nicolson, who will introduce their up-and-coming authors Antonia Honeywell, Catriona Ward, Colin MacIntyre and Laura Barnett. 

Book lovers will also be treated to talks from author and parliamentarian Melvyn Bragg on his latest title Now is the Time, Costa award-winning author Andrew Miller discussing The Crossing; British poet and novelist Sophie Hannah on A Game For All the Family and Sunday Times-bestselling author Tasmina Perry, who will be joined by Stella Newman and Louise Lee for an evening of food and fiction.

For history lovers, Jonathan Dimbleby tells us why The Battle of the Atlantic was crucial to victory in WWII; Dan Cruickshank talks about A History of Architecture in 100 Buildings; Jonathan Beckman explains How to Ruin a Queen;  Claire Harman introduces us to Charlotte Bronte; classical music journalist John Suchet tells the story of Vienna’s  Strauss family in all its triumph and disaster; Giles Milton enlightens us with some weird and wonderful little-known historical facts, and Natalie Livingstone discusses the lives and loves of The Mistresses of Cliveden.

Television personality and antiques expert Judith Miller shares her vast knowledge of antiques, and gives valuations in a mini antique roadshow-esque event and finally in a rare joint appearance, historian Wendy Holden will be joined by ‘born-survivor’ Eva Clarke, to tell the story of three Jewish prisoners who defied their Nazi guards, hid their pregnancies, and brought three ‘miracle babies’ into the world.


Notes to Editors
Each event book voucher guarantees one person admittance to the event. It also functions as a deposit against a copy of the book featured. You can use them up to and on the day of the event but not afterwards. The vouchers can be purchased online at, via telephone on +44 (0)1923 283566; or in person at Chorleywood Bookshop, 4 New Parade Chorleywood WD3 5NJ.

Chorleywood Literary Festival takes place in November each year. Now a major annual event in the UK’s literary calendar, the festival was founded in 2006 by Chorleywood Bookshop owners Sheryl Shurville and Morag Watkins. Since then the festival has brought a stellar line-up of acclaimed and celebrity authors to the public including David Suchet, Bill Bryson, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Howard Jacobson, Carol Ann Duffy, and many more.

Chorleywood Bookshop is the heart of our operation. Though physically very small, (705 square feet) we stock more than 7,000 books and our valued relationships with suppliers mean that we can get quickly hold of anything we don’t have. Alongside our extensive selection of books we also stock a highly popular collection of cards and gifts. We recognise that to survive and grow in the current market we need to find innovative ways to get people to choose us over the big chain stores and to really engage with books. This also helps us to be seen as a core part of the community.  In this vein, we run regular book groups and are always open to our customers for a chat about all things literary.

Follow us on Twitter: @CWBookshop

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Winner of Circles of Stone by Ian Johnstone

I love telling people they've won something, because even though I don't see them in person it makes me smile for a good long while that a book is winging it's way to them. Recently I held a competition to win a copy of Circles of Stone, and the winner is...


Many congratulations! I've sent an email to sort out getting the prize to you. Thank you to all who entered - sorry to those outside the US, this was a US only competition. I've currently got a UK only competition, to win a copy of Journey Back to the Great Before by Zaro Weil which ends in 3 days, so you'd better get entering! 

I do have an international competition coming very soon so stay tuned! 
It will be a book, but for now it's a secret!

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Winner of A Thousand Nights by E K Johnston announcement!

Is this yours?
 I'm getting close to the end of this superb book, so I'm super excited about being able to announce who has won the ARC copy I had spare for A Thousand Nights, publishing this October. The winner is...


Many congratulations, I'll be in touch soon to arrange sending the book to you. 

Thank you to all those who entered. There are still competitions running, you can win a middle grade book (9 years +) 

- so get entering!

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Winner of Serafina and the Black Cloak book swag is...

This belongs to someone!

This wonderful competition is now over! You can find out more about Serafina and the Black Cloak by Robert Beatty in my review. Want to know who has won everything in the picture? It is... 

...Insatiable Reader! 

Many congratulations, I'll pass on your details so that the wonderful book themed stash can head your way. 

There's still wonderful prizes to be one with my ARC giveaway of the Young Adult read A Thousand Nights (International)

and the chance to win a copy of Circles of Stone by Ian Johnstone (also international)

I promise there's another international competition in the pipeline too! It's all happening here on NRC ^o^ 
What will the prize be?

Friday, 26 June 2015

Competition from Atom as part of the celebrations for CJ Daugherty's new series!

Atom are offering readers the chance to win a year’s supply of books in anticipation of CJ Daugherty’s amazing new series, The Secret Fire

That’s right, CJ Daugherty – the internationally bestselling novelist of the Night School series [Nayu: the series includes Fracture reviewed here on Nayu's Reading Corner]– will be publishing her next YA series this September! The Secret Fire is about a boy in Paris and a girl England who meet as pen pals. Unbeknown to them, they are connected by an ancient curse which dictates that our Parisian hero, Sacha Winters, will die on his eighteenth birthday and an ancient prophecy will be fulfilled. Unless Taylor Montclair can save him . . .

Atom want to know what you would like to do MOST before you turn eighteen. As well as what kind of books you love reading. Take their survey and have a chance at winning that life time supply of books! Nayu: Although there isn't an exact closing date just yet you have until mid July to enter!

Co-written with French author Carina Rozenfeld, The Secret Fire is the first cross-channel YA novel ever and promises to be the most anticipated book this year! 

You can also find out more on CJ Daugherty's website

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Winner of Saving London by Taylor Dawn

Is this yours?
It's time to see who won the ebook copy of this ace read, Saving London by Taylor Dawn! Give me a minute to let Rafflecopter pick the winner who is...

Mary Preston!

Many congratulations! I've passed your details on and it will be winging its way to you soon. Thank you for all who entered, keep popping back to see what else you can win here on Nayu's Reading Corner!

Saturday, 30 May 2015

IBW Bookshop Crawl 2015 27th June!

Nayu here! Although I'm a bit too busy with leaving work at the time of the Independent Bookshop Week Bookshop Crawl 2015 on 27th June, I figured some of you would be very interested in all the details! That's if you haven't already heard about it ^o^ You may remember that I spoke about the 2014 bookcrawl last year. Well here are the all important details for this year's events - with prizes to be won there's lots of book fun for everyone! (Rhyming half intentional) 

The Independent Bookshop Week #bookshopcrawl 2015 on Saturday 27th June (Independent Bookshop Week takes place 20th – 27th June). Full info can be found on the dedicated website.

The event is aimed at all: bloggers, booktubers, vloggers, publishers, book organisations and book lovers who want to support their local bookshop(s) during Independent Bookshop Week, 20th – 27th June 2015.
Here's what's going on in IBW!

The challenge is simple: pop out to your local bookshop(s) on Saturday 27th June and pick up a book. This year we’re asking you to #giveabook – whether it’s for your best friend, mum, colleague, fellow blogger, cousin, a stranger – anyone you like! 

#giveabook takes place throughout the entire IBW week with bookshops being equipped with specially produced postcards, ready for customers to fill out and share on Twitter and Instagram under the hashtag. 

Now let’s get onto the prizes!

If you’d like to participate in the #bookshopcrawl and want to be in for the chance of winning some National Book Tokens to spend at your local bookshop and the IBW Book Award shortlisted titles (below), we’re asking you to write or film about the #bookshopcrawl or your favourite independent bookshop and send a link to me ( between Saturday 20th June and Wednesday 1st July. Although we’re keen for most to get out to their local bookshop for the crawl on the Saturday 27th, we appreciate that this date will not be suited to everyone so we’re happy for you to do a crawl at a different time during IBW.

We also want to see your bookshop selfies! If you share your #bookshopcrawl selfies on Twitter and Instagram, you’ll automatically be in for the chance of winning lovely book bundles, hand-picked by the IBW Team.

(Pssst! We’ll be giving away book bundles all week as part of our #indiebookaday so keep an eye on @booksaremybag)

To summarise:
Pop out to your local bookshop on Saturday 27th June for the #bookshopcrawl

#giveabook to a loved one 

Document your #bookshopcrawl journey on Twitter 
   To be in for the chance of winning National Book Tokens and the IBW shortlist, write or film about your #bookshopcrawl and/or your favourite independent bookshop and send the link to me ( between Saturday 20th June and Wednesday 1st July
Share your #bookshopcrawl selfies on Twitter and be in for the chance of winning some lovely book bundles

To search for your local IBW participating bookshop, please visit our brand new and shiny website and plan your #bookshopcrawl route.

Nayu: I'm also giving my opinons on the books in the IBW Book Award Shortlist which I've read

H is for Hawk - Helen Macdonald An insightful read about hawks and grief - see my review!
The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan
Elizabeth is Missing - Emma Healey
The Paying Guests - Sarah Waters
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind - Yuval Noah Harari
Nora Webster - Colm Toibin
The Bone Clocks  - David Mitchell
Please, Mister Postman - Alan Johnson
The Children Act - Ian McEwan
The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher: Stories - Hilary Mantel

Five Children on the Western Front - Kate Saunders
Apple and Rain -  Sarah Crossan
The 13-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
A Song for Ella Grey - David Almond
Opal Plumstead - Jacqueline Wilson
The Lie Tree - Frances Hardinge
An Island of Our Own - Sally Nicholls
Running Girl - Simon Mason
Itchcraft - Simon Mayo
The Parent Agency -  David Baddiel Exciting and clever read - as you can see in my review!
The Farm Beneath the Water - Helen Peters
The Apple Tart of Hope - Sarah Moore Fitzgerald An ok read - my review is here!

Children’s Picture Books
Shh! We Have a Plan - Chris Haughton
Bears Don’t Read - Emma Chichester Clark
Wanted: Ralfy Rabbit, Book Burglar - Emily Mackenzie
A Walk in Paris -  Salvatore Rubbino
Use Your Imagination - Nicola O’Byrne
Blown Away - Rob Biddulph
The Something - Rebecca Cobb
Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion -  Alex T Smith
Never Tickle a Tiger - Pamela Butchart & Marc Boutavantd Superb book - here's my review
The Way to the Zoo - John Burningham
The Mouse Who Ate the Moon - Petr Horaceled
Monsters Love Underpants - Claire Freeeman & Ben Cort

Nayu again: That's all the info - I hope you are excited by what will be a fantastic week!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Nayu's News #184 I'm featuring on WHSmith website!

I'm famous! Well, not exactly but a feature is a feature, which I know Holo from the anime Spice and Wolf would highly approve of, despite the lack of apples...

The title says it all! A few weeks ago I was contacted by bookseller WHSmith, who are focusing on a different book genre each month. This month happens to be children's, so I was asked to name my top 5 childhood reads, and write a small feature. Naming just 5 was really hard, and I managed to sneak a few more of my favourites while I wrote about why adults should read children's books. Please do hop along to the WHSmith blog to see my guest post!!!!

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Mermaid winners announcement!

I've been eagerly awaiting the end of this competition just because I want to see which of you will get to win Mermaid by Cerrie Burnell and Laura Ellen Anderson. Alongside the entry I asked what 3 things you would do if you'd become a mermaid. Mine are: 

Go racing/riding with orcas, because despite their diet they are magnificent creatures. 

Make pictures of cute things like Hello Kitty from sea shells on the sea shore. 

Get to know sea horses and jelly fish because they have always fascinated me. 

You said you would: 

swim/learn to swim to survive/swim with dolphins/swim with confidence

lose weight to look good with a tale. 

Eat more fish as it's healthy 

sing/sing out loud/sing in public


collect lots of pearls 

enjoy the big open space of the sea/explore the seas

The two winners are both outside the UK, but that will be no problem as I'll get the UK one sent to me so I can send it on to it's new home across the sea. The winners are... 

Mary Preston!

Congratulations both of you, expect an email from me shortly to organise sending the book out to you. Thank you to all who entered, please do keep an eye out for future competitions!

Sunday, 8 March 2015

London Book and Screen week announcement!

Nayu here! If you like London Book Fair 2015 which I talked about not too long ago, you'll love London Book and Screen week. (The link takes you to the website which has even more details for you). Here's the essential info copied & pasted with permission from the publicity email I received - it's full of opportunities so go if you can! 

London Book & Screen Week – the capital’s biggest ever celebration of books, and the films, TV programmes and virtual worlds they’ve inspired - has unveiled its inaugural programme of events with London & Partners as a strategic partner.

Running from 13-19th April 2015, this new seven day, citywide, landmark event brings storytelling and the written word to life, uniting the capital’s avid readers, writers, game, film and TV fans with a whole host of events taking place right across literary London.

There’s something for everyone with author Q&As, writing master classes, film screenings, cook book demonstrations, bookshop crawls, literary debates, live readings, poetry parties, fiction prizes, book launches and self-publishing workshops – there are even Mad Hatter tea parties and Harry Potter fan expos!

London Book & Screen Week coincides with The London Book Fair, one of the most important events in the publishing calendar, which is attended by 25,000 book industry professionals from around the world.  The books they are publishing today will be the box office hits and the TV ratings grabbers of the future. This is London’s first chance to join them in a citywide celebration of imagination, creativity and culture, all inspired by books.

Authors taking part include David Nicholls (One Day), Deborah Moggach (Best Exotic Marigold Hotel), John Banville (The Sea), former Children’s Laureate Anthony Browne (Gorilla), Patricia Duncker (Sophie and the Sibyl) and Sarah Hall (The Wolf Border). 

Jacks Thomas, Director The London Book Fair and LBSW, says: We are delighted to announce such an exciting and varied line-up for our first ever London Book & Screen Week. This special programme of events celebrates the written word in all its glory.  There really is something for everyone.”

Kate Mosse, international bestselling author of Labyrinth, says:  “London Book & Screen Week is a wonderful, inspired idea – it’s the perfect opportunity to galvanise the global creative community and bring all kinds of storytelling together.” 

Luigi Bonomi, Managing Director of top literary agency LBA, says: “The creation of London Book & Screen Week is genius.  Building on the fabulous position that London has as a global leader in culture, creativity and knowledge, The London Book Fair is leveraging its market-leading position in books and creativity to reach out beyond the publishing industry to consumers and creators.  The cross-media zeitgeist is being captured in this one, great celebration of literary forms, across all media.”

London Book & Screen Week has teamed up with some of the capital’s highest-profile brands, including London & Partners, the Mayor’s official promotional company for London, which attracts businesses and visitors to the capital and operates, the official city guide for London. London & Partners works to attract leisure and business visitors to London, as well as new businesses and major events.

Zanine Adams, Head of Events and Business Development UK at London & Partners, said: “We are delighted to add London Book & Screen Week to our calendar of superb offerings. This great initiative will attract people from London, the UK and beyond to our city to experience wonderful moments of creative inspiration, further enhancing London’s reputation as the leading city in the world for culture.”

Highlights of the London Book & Screen Week programme include:-
Monday 13th April
New Writers Evening, Monday 13th April @ 7pm, Foyles Charing Cross
London Book & Screen Week kicks off at Foyles Charing Cross with a special event focusing on future stars of the literary firmament.

Tuesday 14th April
Guardian Masterclass – How to Write Fantasy and Dystopian Fiction, 6.30pm
A two-hour course in how to master the genres, with Joe Abercrombie, Peter V Brett, and Francesca Haig – chaired by Harper Voyager Publisher Jane Johnson. Each author will discuss their path to publication, followed by a discussion about the genre more generally, covering writing a pitch, finding an agent, and getting the concept right.

Good Housekeeping presents Deborah Moggach and Louisa Young in Conversation, October Gallery, 7pm
Best-selling author of Tulip Fever and Best Exotic Marigold Hotel and Author of the Day for The London Book Fair, Deborah Moggach, will appear in conversation with author of My Dear, I Wanted To Tell You Louisa Young. This event is presented by Good Housekeeping in association with London Book & Screen Week.

Sarah Hall: The Wolf Border, Foyles Charing Cross, 6-7pm
In her only London event, one of Granta magazine’s Best of Young British Novelists, Sarah Hall, talks about her award-winning work including her outstanding new book The Wolf Border.

Pin Drop, sponsored by @ Soho House, 7pm
Pin Drop, the spoken word salon that presents world-leading authors and actors reading short stories live, will present a special event for London Book & Screen Week sponsored by Join Pin Drop in the exclusive environment of Soho House to celebrate the joy of hearing a short story well told.

Wednesday 15th April
Patricia Duncker: Sophie and The Sibyl, Bloomsbury Institute, on Wednesday 15th April @ 6pm
A chance to hear award-winning novelist Patricia Duncker talk about her compelling new Victorian novel, which is published in April.  Sophie and the Sibyl balances a tale of courtship and seduction with a fascinating, lively imagining of the writer George Eliot at the end of her boldly unconventional life, and the height of her fame. 

Literary Death Match London, Ep.47 - MOVIE SPECIAL, Foyles Charing Cross @ 7pm
Four writers read their own work for seven minutes or less, and are then judged by three all-star judges. Two finalists are chosen to compete in the Literary Death Match finale, a vaguely-literary game to decide the ultimate winner.

Pablo, The Graphic Novel, Institut Francais, Queensberry Place @ 7pm
Writer Julie Birmant and artist Clément Oubrerie visit The Institut Français to discuss their award-winning graphic novel biography of Picasso with journalist, historian and curator of the British Library Comics Unmasked exhibition ,Paul Gravett. Together they will explore the themes and obsessions – among them, sex, death and his great nemesis, Henri Matisse – that drove Picasso to express himself.

Thursday 16th April
Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2015 @ Foyles, Charing Cross, 6pm-7pm
The shortlist of six titles will be announced for this prestigious prize, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year, and honours the best work of fiction by a living author that has been translated into English from any other language and published in the UK in 2014. 

Friday 17th April
Indie Author Fringe Fest @ Foyles, Charing Cross, @ 12-7pm
The Fringe Fest offers exciting ways for readers to meet indie authors and discover great reads. It will also be live streamed, so authors and readers who can’t be in London can still take part online.

Saturday 18th April
Mad Hatter’s Tea Party on Saturday 18th April @12pm
A delightful children’s party to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Lewis Caroll’s Alice in Wonderland, attended by the former Children’s Laureate Anthony Browne.

How to write and illustrate children’s story books with Rebecca Elliott
This one-day course, picture book author and illustrator Rebecca Elliott (Just Because, The Last Tiger, Naked Trevor) will help aspiring illustrators make the most of your ideas, understand exactly what commissioning editors are looking for, and how to achieve it in their work.

How to be a ghostwriter with Andrew Crofts
This course taught by one of the UK’s leading ghostwriters introduces all the skills writers need to
get started in this potentially lucrative field. Learn how to find and recognise great stories, and how to build a relationship with a subject that helps get straight to the heart of their life story.

Sunday 19th April
The Sea at Hackney Picturehouse with John Banville @ 1pm
Join author John Banville and director Stephen Brown in conversation, followed by a screening of the highly-acclaimed adaption of Banville’s book The Sea, which tells the story of a man who returns to the sea where he spent his childhood summers, in search of peace following the death of his wife.

For the full details on these and a list of all other events taking place, please visit the website: or follow London Book & Screen Week on Twitter at @LBandSW Please note that extra events are being added all the time.

With many thanks to our key partners, who include:-

ALLi, Audible, BAFTA, Booksellers Association, British Council, Clays, Dulwich Bookshop, English PEN, European Booksellers Association, Faber, Foyles, Good Housekeeping, Hailo, IdeasTap, Institut Francais, London&Partners, London Calling, London Writers Club, Oldcastle Books, OurScreen, PictureHouse, Pin Drop, Poetry Society, Publishers Association, Boudica Films, SelfMadeHero, SFX, Sid’s Literary Tours, Soho House, T Pub, The French Institute, The Guardian, Total Film, Visit London and Waterstones.
About The London Book Fair (LBF)
The London Book Fair (LBF) is the global marketplace for rights negotiation and the sale and distribution of content across print, audio, TV, film and digital channels. Taking place every spring in the world’s premier publishing and cultural capital, it is a unique opportunity to explore, understand and capitalise on the innovations shaping the publishing world of the future. LBF brings you direct access to customers, content and emerging markets. LBF 2015, the 44th Fair, will take place from Tuesday 14-Thursday 16 April 2015, Olympia London. LBF’s London Book and Screen Week will run for the second year, with the book fair as the pivotal three day event within a five day programme. London Book and Screen Week will open with LBF’s Publishing for Digital Minds Conference on Monday 13 April, the day before LBF opens.  Mexico is Market Focus country in 2015, following Korea in 2014. In 2014 LBF’s charity of the year was Book Aid International.
For further information, please visit:

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