Showing posts with label National Trust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Trust. Show all posts

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

National Trust: Up and Down, A Walk in the Countryside by Rosalind Beardshaw (Children's, Picture book, Board book, 10E/10E)

 September 2017, Nosy Crow, 28 pages, Board Book, Hardback, Review copy

Summary from Nosy Crow 
The fourth in a series of concept books created for the National Trust, this board book takes very young readers on a winter walk through the countryside, going up and down, left and right, from cold to warm and light to dark. With beautiful illustrations from Ros Beardshaw, this elegant little book is a great way of bringing children closer to nature.

Nayu's thoughts 
I saw the cover of this book and instantly wanted to review it - I love the style of illustration, the children are even cuter inside when the hood is shown from a different angle she is extra adorable! Every single page made me feel warm and fuzzy with the sheer joy the children have exploring the world around them. I love how each page has just one word, with the opposite word on the other page, because the illustrations speak volumes for the concept. 

Whoever reads the book to another reader can easily elaborate more on the story to make it more fun, asking questions about what the children do as they play happily in what could be one single day. As a National Trust book I think it does a brilliant job of enticing readers to check out the countryside, while teaching them how they should be behave outside: there's a short poem which I think may be anonymous, but one I saw and remembered as a child along the lines of 

'Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, verb nothing but time.'

 I don't remember the exact words, indicated with the italic word, but it's a good motto to go by. Flowers, even wild ones, shouldn't be picked because whole ecosystems rely on them. Pictures don't harm nature (obviously stay safe while you take them), all litter should be taken home so it can't harm anything, and whatever that word is time is all that should pass/be done on your visit. Through using so few words this book echoes that sentiment.

Suggested read 
A book which is full of more words and facts but equally as fun for older readers is from a series that I highly recommend: A Kiwi Year and A Canadian Year by Tania McCarney and Tina Snerling (Children's, Non-fiction, 10E/10E)

Friday, 19 January 2018

National Trust: The Colouring Book of Cards and Envelopes Unicorns and Rainbows by Rebecca Jones (Activity book, Non-Fiction, 10E/10E)

September 2017, Nosy Crow, 74 pages, Paperback, Review copy 

Summary from Nosy Crow
Get creative with this super-cute colouring book, the newest title in the bestselling Colouring Cards and Envelopes series. The twenty-four gorgeous designs include magical unicorns, adorable kittens, charming rainbows and more, and are perfect for all ages to decorate and send to family and friends. Pick up your pencils and experiment with your colour palette or try different materials to make each card truly unique! With enough blank space inside for a message, envelopes to customise and cute stickers to seal your card, each book is the complete creative package!

Nayu's thoughts
I tend to say yes to any colouring book that is pink and cute, and as you can see this book meets all the criteria! While it says it's for 2 years and up, I didn't put Children as a keyword for this review because it is for all ages, and some of the colouring is quite intricate. Taking time to colour in a cute card is really relaxing, and while I haven't yet created an envelope, I can show you what I did: 
The very back says 'hand made by' with cute clouds but I hid it because I'd written my name on, and despite my DS stylus covering it up it was easier just not to include in.
It is really easy to take out each card without tearing the other cards from the page, something which can be an issue for these type of books. The cards are sturdy, can probably be coloured in with any material you like (including glitter glue! I don't have any but I think it would add pizzazz to an already great activity book), I happened to use a mix of coloured pencils and felt tip pens because of the effects I wanted to achieve, both apply and dry fully on the card.
Unfinished but super pretty inside! Considering I almost always add stickers and little drawings to my cards, this is perfect for me.
The highly detailed designs make it a project you can easily dip in and out of if you want (I had to as I can't do much colouring at a time due to weak hands), and it's something that can be shared with family and friends (with perhaps friendly rivalry about whose card is prettiest - the answer is all of them!). I love the range of designs using animals and objects that I like, which isn't always in the shop when I need a card for my friends. At the front of the book there are clear, easy to follow instructions on how to tackle each card which is a nice touch, something not always in an activity book. And a few cute stickers at the back.  What colour will you use for your unicorn?

You can see more of Rebecca's work on her website, and find out more about the National Trust on it's website

Suggested read 
Another fun unicorn activity book I've had fun with recently that makes items to put into a mobile or simply decroate your home  is Press Out and Decorate Unicorns by Kate McLelland (Non-fiction, Activity book, 10E/10E)