September 2014, Puffin, 12 pages, Hardback, Review copy
Summary from Puffin
A boy built a Snowdog, and the Snowdog came to life! Wiggle your finger
to play with Billy and his friends in this adorable and playful
finger-puppet book.
Nayu's thoughts
I can just about get away with reviewing this
sweet boardbook in February since we do tend to have snow around this
time of year. Even as a child I thought The Snowman
a bit of an odd story, and one which I wavered between thinking was
sweet & magical or just a tiny bit creepy. There's nothing
unpleasant about this adorable read!
The Snowdog
is cute – who can resist his socks for ears? I didn't have an
audience to read to, but giggled away as I poked my finger through the soft finger puppet &
read the story to myself. It's a tale which will appeal to readers of
all ages, and no doubt will be a repeated request at bedtime for
younger ones. Now if only there could be a The Snowcat