Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Over On Nayu's Crochet Dreams #23...

She's so cute! One of many random pictures I find online. Love her odd socks which match what I wear ^o^
... check out what unusual gift I'm taking to my friend in Norfolk! I'm fairly sure she doesn't read my blog regularly - sorry if you've seen this though!

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Nayu's News #231 Countdown time!

Tick, tock!
At the time of writing this (Friday) I was on a review schedule spree to tide me over while I'm in la la land (taking/took my lovely strong ketamine for pain medication Friday lunch), plus when I'm up in Norfolk! Yes, a week today I'll be driving across the country to visit a friend I haven't seen for 4 years. We are both super excited, which I suspect will get me through the super long drive. It's worth the immense fatigue for several days after (which may not fully kick in until I'm back home). Plus according to the internet is only 40 miles further than my friend in Devon, which comparatively isn't that much further. 
"Really?" Yes, really! Haven't used this pic for a while!
Over the next few days while residing in la la land I hope to game a lot and read a lot. Whether that happens is a different matter as I have to go by how my body feels. Gaming will happen more when I'm at the climbing the walls stage - I so wish I was joking, but there's a reason drugs are illegal unless prescribed through a specialist, the negative side effects are unpleasant! 
Will be playing & watching a lot of Aikatsu! because it's one of my top anime shows! Next episode will be meeting Madoka (& Rin) who has adorable pink hair & is the Angely Sugar designer's grandaughter (one of the cute clothing brands).Aikatsu! Always makes me smile & feel better!

I hope you all have a super bank holiday weekend if you're in England! & a pleasant normal weekend if you're elsewhere.  

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Nayu's News #230 Back on the road!

Off again...probably an accurate amount of luggage I'm taking with me!
Hi if you've been redirected from my craft blog Nayu's Crochet Dreams - I felt like having an update post with cute anime pictures sprinkled in, which isn't my main style on NCD. Thanks for coming over to check out where I'm heading next!

Some things are better said in person than on the phone. Sady no fire at my friend's house (or mine for that matter!)
This weekend I'm heading back to Devon! I hadn't planned to go see my friend again until late May, but she's going through some stuff and I promised to go down to keep her company as soon as I could. It will be a few days filled with dvds, hot chocolate, and lots of chatting. 

Always miss Belle heaps when I have to leave her.

My cat won't be happy that I'm away but her sulks are both legendary and hilarious, so I'll enjoy hearing how much of a mood she's in from my family. I can tell Spring is here because she's starting to stay out later at night, and not sleeping with me. Having her be by my side is a plus side to my least favourite season, Winter. 

Baking is fun!
This extra trip was only decided in the last few days, so I've had to reschedule what I'm doing before I go. Normally I like to pre-schedule a whole load of posts for you, but I need to make some fairy cakes before I go so need to rest as much as I can tomorrow and Friday. Baking takes it out of me which isn't ideal before a big tirp. I'll try and do my usual single picture posts to keep you occupied! As always I'll be available on Twitter as @Nayuleska so keep an eye out for updates there!

Thank you for whichever blog/(s) of mine you read - I hope you keep on enjoying yourselves! See you when I get back ^o^