Deflections with the upper arm and shoulder

Possibly one of the most neglected surfaces of the body in the art of deflection or, as I've called it, interception , is the upper arm/shoulder. It just doesn't seem practical. But it all depends on where the punch is launched from. If the punch is a high cross, jab or hook - sure: the shoulder can be very hard to use. But if the punch has any "rising moment" to it - whether it is a pure uppercut or merely a slightly rising cross - the shoulder/upper arm can come in very useful; particularly if you're caught in a surprise attack, where your shoulder/upper arm may very well be your last line of defence. I really began to realise the utility of this surface as a tool for interception when practising systema with Alex Kostic. In systema, you learn to "ride" blows, and this frequently involves "rolling' them over and around your upper arm - even if you have to shrug your shoulder slightly. Both the Chinese and Okinawan arts solve thi...