
Showing posts with the label pacifism

Wu-wei vs. pacifism and appeasement

Introduction: the need to differentiate wu-wei and pacifism/appeasement I've been surprised by the response I've had to my recent articles about the Daoist/Taoist philosophy of wu-wei . I've had quite a number of emails in addition to the comments posted on my blog and on the Traditional Fighting Arts Forum . Furthermore I note that the number of daily hits on my blog reached an all-time high in the last week (more than 3 times the average!) - largely due to these articles on wu-wei . There appear to be some recurrent themes emerging, so I thought I'd address them here comprehensively. Many readers of my blog were (quite rightly) incensed to read the account I gave of my friend being physically threatened by a pipe-wielding lunatic in a road rage incident - all because my friend had clapped sarcastically as the lunatic swerved dangerously around him in a mad attempt to "get ahead". A large number of my correspondents felt that something needed to be done; s...