
Showing posts with the label murder

Misuse of Australian and UK statistics in the US gun control debate

Introduction I wasn't going to write any more concerning gun control, but a friend posted a link on my Facebook page to a blog featuring the dreadful video below: The blogger asks: "What happened to gun control successes in Australia?" My Facebook friend wanted me to respond and, so to avoid having to repeat it elsewhere, I thought I'd deal with here in a comprehensive way. And at least this time I can't be accused of "meddling in US issues" - because the statistics being misused here are not US ones but rather those of my own country and of the UK! So let's examine what this video actually shows: Some US network (Fox, I imagine?) reporter asks a few very disgruntled gun owners in Australia about the 1996 gun restrictions , then quotes some Australian crime "statistics" to establish a "link" between these restrictions and the general increase in crime rate in Australia. What's wrong with that? Well I'll ...