Telegraphing vs. staged activation

I think there is an important difference between sequential body movement (which is necessary) and "telegraphing" (which is undesirable). The activation of a staged sequence of body parts is an essential component of a punch/strike/kick. Without it you would not be able to impart any real force. Consider the basic uraken (backfist): if you moved your wrist first, then your elbow, then your shoulder your strike would simply not work. Instead your strike must originate with movement in your shoulder, then your elbow, then your wrist. The same applies to kicks, punches and any other strike. You move from your big joints through to your small joints. In your kick the hip moves first, then the knee. In a punch your hip moves, then your shoulders, then your arm. The video below illustrates this principle in the context of a reverse punch. Nenad illustrates the "staged activation" inherent in a reverse punch What this means is that every technique has an element of ...