
Showing posts with the label destructive cycle

Advanced techniques

Introduction Recently the subject of “advanced techniques” has been debated on the Traditional Fighting Arts Forums . I think it is self-evident that there are some techniques or forms are much harder to learn - not just because they require mere athleticism, but because they require subtler kinaesthetics and the ability to execute them depends on years upon years of “precursor” training. They might be more effective, but frequently they won’t; simple is often the best. 1 I happen to call such “hard to learn” techniques “advanced”. Why? Because I think beginners should start with things that are easier to learn. Advanced techniques vs. advanced practitioners My comments above are at odds with the views of those who would argue that “there are no advanced techniques, only advanced practitioners”. On this analysis, the techniques themselves are relatively simple. All that changes is the complexity of the combinations of these simple techniques. Indeed there is something to be said f...

Cracking the "xingyi code"

"Pi is able to conquer Beng and Beng is able to defeat Heng. Heng is able to subjugate Zuan and Zuan is able to overmaster Pao. Pao can overcome Pi. All of these belong to the theory of Yi (Change). Looking for the real meaning is nowhere else but within the Five Phases" - Ancient xingyiquan Song of Mutual Conquest Readers of my blog will be aware that for years I've pondered what is called the " destructive cycle " of xingyi's 5 elements: each is meant to be a foil for another in a kind of 5-way "rock, paper scissors". I'm not the first person to suppose that they can be (and were indeed intended to be) arranged into a looping 2 person form. While there are plenty of 2 person "destructive cycle" xingyi forms out there, not one follows the order of pi, zuan, beng, pao, heng (at least in a way that results in each attack being deflected and countered). Normally there are repetitions of pi or beng, or a completely different o...