There are no blocks?

The need for a summary A random snapshot of our sparring. I'm using a classic open hand rising block - even though it was totally unscripted. Those of you who have been reading this blog for a while will know that the assertion that "there are no blocks" is a major source of irritation to me. It's another way of saying that the movements in karate etc. commonly called "blocks" are always something else entirely. "They have to be, after all, because "blocks don't work" - everybody knows that!" Those of us who don't agree are just kidding ourselves. Over the years I have attacked this assertion in a number of ways and from a number of different angles. But this is not to say that each of my arguments is somehow separate and unconnected: rather they are all mutually consistent and supportive of each other, creating what I think is a compelling, indeed undeniable, picture of how blocks are a vital part of the traditi...