Congress, yesterday.
business of importance or general inter was in the House of Representations yesterday. Nearly the whole time of open session was occupied in the consideration of the Arkansas election case, and the adjourned without coming to any de The following resolution was offered Mr. Foots, of Tenn., dopted;Received, That Mr. Johnston, the contestant, allowed to speak and be heard by this in vindication of his claim, and that Garland, the present occupant, be to speak in reply and close the debate. addition to this two resolutions were to, which we present, the first offered Mr. Gartrell, the other by Mr. Peseins, La.
Received, That the Committee on Ways and be instructed to inquire into the expel of providing for the payment of all marshals in the Confederate States for ing the venous for the year 1860, and report bill or otherwise.
Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiry be instructed to inquire what legislation is necessary to insure the punishment of mes in the army, and not provided for un the military code, and which have occur in localities surrendered to the enemy.