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--We invite special attention to the notice of Lieut. Charles F. Pardigon, proposing to raise a company of infantry for the 20th regiment. Wise Legion Recruits will be taught the Zouave drill of the French infantry. The company will be raised in compliment to the memory of the late Captain O. J. Wise. We need hardly say that, besides being associated in business with Captain Wise, and in military life as one of the Blues, Lieut. Pardigon was a warm personal friend and admirer of the lamented young officer, whose untimely death all deplore. In this connection, we may say that the advertisements of John F. Lannean, Captain Brook's Troop, Hampton Legion; Nat. Tyler, Lieut. Col. Wise Legion; and Lawrence S. Marye, Captain Hampden Artillery, will bear perusal by all who are willing to lend their aid in ridding the country of its base invaders.

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O. J. Wise (3)
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John F. Lannean (1)
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