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$100 reward

--Ranaway from me, near Romney, Jim, a bright mulatto boy; about 18 years old; 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high; weighs about 150 pounds; has lost one upper front tooth; has a small scar on his forehead. and one under his chin, caused by a burn when a child; also, a scar on one of his wrists. Jim left the 1st regiment Georgia volunteers while encamped at Hanging Rock, in February last. with two other negroes--one Bill or Wm. Moss, who represented himself as a free boy, living in Richmond, formerly in Petersburg, the other, a thick, heavy set boy, named Hiram; belonging to Mr Harold, a member of Bainbridge county. My impression is they will go to one of the above named places, or remain with the Confederate army. I will pay $100 to any person who will arrest Jim and lodge him in jail, or any place of safety in the Confederate States, where I can get him.

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