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The call for Militia.--home defence.

The calling out of the militia, with a prospect of early and difficult service, has, as we anticipated, occasioned a good deal of excitement, and the necessity for such a step is seriously questioned and in many instances sharply criticized. This call embraces Hanover, Henrico, and Richmond city on the north, and Chesterfield and some dozen other counties on the southside. We have endeavored, from time to time, to stir up the energies of the people in behalf of the measures for local defence instituted by the authorities in and about this city. It seems to us that now is a favorable occasion to repeat the suggestion, on a more extended scale. Persons in the various counties included in the call might, at a less sacrifice of personal comfort, organize into companies and co-operate with Messrs. W. P. Burwell and J. Pannill, of this city, in their endeavors to raise a regiment for the express purpose of manning the batteries. The service is decidedly preferable to that of the militia, and we hope the suggestion will be acted upon without delay.

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