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News from Fort

--Billy Wilson's Officers Disgusted with Him.--The notorious Billy Wilson having rendered himself an object of disgust and contempt in the estimation of the officers of his regiment, they have with great unanimity demanded his dismissal from the service. What a degraded wretch must ‘"Billy"’ be, when he cannot even command the obedience and respect of his own subordinates. A correspondent of the New York Express, writing from Fort Pickens; says:

‘ Serious difficulties have arisen between the staff and line officers of the regiment and Colonel Wilson. They are said to be greatly dissatisfied with his abilities as a military man, and accuse him of conduct highly culpable in a commanding officer. On the 13th, all the officers, with two exceptions, waited upon and requested him to resign the command of the regiment.

It is said that he refused to listen to their request. The officers seem determined to retire from the regiment themselves or compel him to withdraw. They feel that they have been disgraced by him in more ways than one not only since their arrival upon Santa Rosa Island, but prior to their leaving New York.

Should the Colonelcy of the regiment become vacant, the officers propose to tender it to a United States army officer.

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