The Lecture season.
--We understand it is in contemplation to inaugurate a series of lectures, by gentlemen of well-known literary antecedents and high reputation, for the purpose of raising a fund for the benefit and relief of our soldiers. The card, as we have seen it, is a rich one, and numbers on its list the following names. Hon. J. L. M. Currie, of Alabama, Prof. A. T. Bledsoe, Dr. A. Subwden Piggot, Thompson, Esq., Rev. Jno-C. McCale, D. D., Cliver P. Baldwin, Esq., Hon. H. W. Hilliard. Dr. G. W. Raghy, Key. Dr. Moore, Dr. M. Edgoworth Lazzrus, and the promise of President Tylor that it can find time during the course he will also make one of the party. Those gentlemen have already accoutred high reputation as lecturers in the prominent cities, and at the object for which they have consented to give their aid in there intellectual and instructive is a noble and one we predict for the