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Miscellaneous cases.

--The Mayor had a very heavy docket yesterday. Besides the cases elsewhere noticed in detail, the following were disposed of:

George White, charged with stealing a box of butter from E. N. Spiller. Mr. Yeager, employed at Spiller's, saw the prisoner shoulder the box, gave, chase and captured him. Remanded to be tried for petty larceny.

Pleasant, an aged and infirm negro, charged with making a felonious assault upon a fellow, servant named John Jefferson, with an axe. Mr. Smith the owner of the negroes, said that John was hurt on the head, but not dangerously. It appears that Pleasant, after the difficulty, went to the watch house and surrendered himself, stating to the officers that John Jefferson made at him, and he struck him with an are. The case was continued.

Marshall Bradley, free, charged with playing a banjo in the streets, and carrying deadly weapons. Bradley has been serving with the Lee Battery at Alleghany. Mountain, and fought with bravery, in the recent battle at that point. He produced highly complimentary letters from officers and citizens of Lynchburg, and the Mayor discharged him after, confiscating the dirk and pistol. Shouldering his favorite banjo, he left the Court room to make arrangements for an early departure for Lynchburg.

Wm. O'Brien, charged with an assault upon Jesse Glass, a citizen of Fluvanna. The Mayor heard the testimony and remarking that it was an aggravated case, held the party to bail in the sum of $200 for his appearance before the Grand Jury.

Patrick Caslow, charged with assaulting James Fitzgerald.--The principal witness failed to appear, and the Mayor dismissed the case.

Richard, slave of G. T. Ferguson, charged with cutting and wounding a negro woman named Martha. Dick is Martha's husband. In the enforcement of domestic authority he brandished his pocket knife and made a slight incision in Martha's shoulder. The Mayor remanded him for trial.

Dan Murphy and James Berry, charged with stealing two sides of bacon from the Confederate States of America. The case was continued to the 8th inst.

A fine of $5 was imposed upon Julius Sherlock for keeping his bar-room open on Sunday, the 5th inst.

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