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Ten Hills Farm, 8, 11, 23, 80.

Tenney, Robert G., 90.

Texas, 53.

Theta Delta Chi Fraternity, 2.

Thirteenth Maine Regiment, 27, 37.

Thirty-first Massachusetts Regiment, 27, 32, 36.

Thompson, 95.

Thompson, Dr. Abram R., 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 90.

Thornton, Dr., Matthew. 86.

Thompson, Mrs., 93, 95, 96.

Thompson Square, 84.

Thompson, Thomas, 97.

Thompson, Timothy, 63, 64.

Thompson, Timothy, Jr., 40.

Three Pole Lane, 74.

Tillotson, Mr., 45.

Town Hill, 100.

Tremont Street, Boston, 27.

Trumbal, Samll, 85.

Trumbull, John, 88.

Trumbull, Mary (Jones), 88.

Trumbull, Richard, 41.

Trumbull, Samuel, 88.

Trumbull, Timothy, 15, 88.

Tufts, Miss, Abigail, 93.

Tufts College, 1, 2.

Tufts, Edmund, 93.

Tufts, Isaac, 64, 72, 73, 74, 90, 91, 92, 96.

Tufts, Joel, 73, 90, 91, 92, 94.

Tufts, John, 98, 99.

Tufts, Nathan, 2nd., 90. 96, 97, 99.

Tufts, Oliver, House, 23.

Tufts, P., 72.

Tufts, Peter, Jr., 21, 63, 66, 90.

Tufts, Samuel, 21, 43, 63, 64.

Tufts, Dr., Simon. 85.

Tufts, Timothy, 21. 22, 63.

Tufts, Timothy, Esq., 64.

Turner, Rev., Edward, 90, 91, 94, 96, 97, 98, 99.

Turner, Rev. Mr., 69.

Twentieth Century Club, 2.

Tyler, Jonas, 64.

Underwood, J., 72.

Underwood, James, 47.

Union, Me., 26.

Union Square, Somerville, 4, 64.

Union Street, 100.

United States, 31.

‘Universalism,’ 2.

Universalist General Convention, 2.

University Club, 2.

Ursuline Convent, 78.

Veruna, gunboat, 53.

Vinal, Louise A., 4.

Vose, Elijah, Jr., 95.

Waite, Samuel, 84, 88.

Walker, Cornelius, 97.

Walker's Dictionary (abridged), 101.

Walker, Rev., James, 39, 90, 96, 100.

Walker, Timothy, 63.

Walker, Timothy, Hon., 66.

Walnut Hill, 6, 7.

Walnut Street, Somerville, 8, 10.

Wapping Street, Charlestown, 100.

Warren, Amos, 18, 21, 22.

Warren Street, Charlestown, 84.

Warwick, Eng., 77.

Washington, D. C., 58.

Washington, George, 43, 44.

Washington Street, 7, 47, 81.

Wayne, Miss, Eliza, 100.

Webb, Elizabeth, 83.

Webb, Grace, 38.

West Cambridge, 14.

Weston, Mass., 86.

West Somerville, 12.

Whipple, Benjamin, 90.

Whitney, 27.

Whitney Mr., 93.

Whittemore, Anna, 87.

Whittemore, Jabez, 15.

Whittemore, John, 87, 89.

Whittemore, Joseph, Jr., 82.

Whittemore, Captain, Samuel, 18.

Whittemore, Sarah (Hall), 87.

Whittemore. William, 19, 22.

Whittier, John Greenleaf, 11.

Whittredge, Mrs., 47.

Wigglesworth, Rev., Michael, 88.

Wilkins, J. M., 92.

Wilkins, J. M. K., 72, 73.

Willis Creek, 4.

Willis, Grace, 86.

Willoughby, 6.

Wilson, Jeremy, 99.

Wilson, Sergeant-Major, 50.

Wilson, Captain, William. 87.

Wiltshire, Eng., 77, 78, 81.

Winter Hill, 6, 7, 18, 70, 72, 74, 85, 91, 96, 99.

Winter Hill Road, 6, 9S, 93, 100.

Winthrop, Governor, 23.

Winthrop, Mr., 80.

Woburn. 14, 20, 81.

Wood, David, 21.

Wood, Hepzibah (Billings), 88.

Wood, John, 88.

Wood, Deacon, John, 88.

Wood, Joseph, 88.

Wood, Mary (Blaney), 88.

Woodstock, Vt., 1.

Worcester, Eng., 77.

Worcester County, Mass., 85.

Wright, Timothy, 41.

Wyman, 14, 38, 64, 65.

Wyman. Charles, 92, 94.

Wyman, Elizabeth, 20.

Wyman, Hezekiah, 65.

Wyman, Luke, 90.

Wyman, Nehemiah, 67.

Wyman, Captain, Nehemiah, 63, 64, 70, 72, 90.

Wyman Seth, 19, 20, 22, '40, 42, 63, 64, 66.

Wyman, Miss, Susan, 91.

Yale, 66.

Yorkshire, Eng., 81.

Young, Thomas, 8.

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