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Art. 4. It shall be the duty of the President, to preside at all meetings of the Society, as often as they may be deemed necessary. In her absence, the duty shall devolve upon the next in office.

Art. 5. It shall be the duty of the Secretary, to keep a correct account of the proceedings of the Society, and present a report of the same annually.

Art. 6. The Treasurer shall be intrusted with the funds which shall be kept subject to the order of the Society. And it shall be the duty of the Treasurer, to present at the annual meeting an account of all the receipts and disbursements.

Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to visit the poof and ascertain who are in need of assistance. They shall also assist in preparing and superintending the work.

Art. 8. It shall be the duty of each member to promote the interests of the Society, as far as her circumstances will admit, and to contribute such cast clothing as may be spared with convenience, to assist in sewing at the meetings, and when convenient, obtain work for the Society. Each member shall pay fifty cents annually to the Treasurer, and in proposing a friend for admission, if there be no objection, may introduce her at the next meeting.

Art. 9. The annual meeting shall be held on the last Wednesday in September, for the choice of officers and the transaction of other business. Stated meetings for work shall be held monthly, at the houses of members where it may be convenient. And during the progress of the work, a member shall be requested to read from such books or periodical publications, as may be furnished by the ladies.

Art. 10. In case the funds be not required for the assistance of the poor, they shall be reserved for the purpose of furnishing a meeting house, when the gentlemen see fit to build one,

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