Pierce Academy, 1.
Pierce, Jacob, 68, 70.
Pierce, Jerathmeel, 85, 87.
Pike, Major, 57.
Pike, Mr., 45.
Pine Street, Somerville, 7.
Plains of Moab, 44.
Plymouth Plantation, 77.
Polly's Swamp, 7, 11.
Ponchartrain, Lake, 50.
Pool, Lot, 90.
Port Hudson, 53, 54.
Port Royal (Hilton Head), 34.
Pound Lot, 99.
Powder House, 7, 16, 98.
Powers, Thomas, 85, 87.
Prentiss, I., 73, 92.
Prospect Hill, 6, 7, 8, 15.
Prospect Hill Schoolhouse, 47.
Prospect Street, Somerville, 7, 47.
Putnam, Aaron, 42, 63, 66.
Putnam, Aaron, Esq., 40, 42, 65.
Putnam, Henry, 15, 21.
Putnam, Israel, 15.
Radnor, Wales, 86.
Rand, Hannah, 85.
Rand, John, 84.
Rand, Jonathan, 84.
Rand, Mary. 39, 82.
Rand, Mr., 83.
Rand's Woods, 7, 12.
Raymond, Daniel, 45.
Rea, Mrs., 91, 93, 95, 96.
Red River, 55.
Reed, Daniel, 17.
Reed, Captain, Daniel, 63, 64, 66, 69, 71, 72,
Remington, Miss, Charlotte, 91.
Remington,, Miss Julia, 91.
Republican, National Convention, 2.
Revolution, The, 23.
Reynolds, Joseph. 96, 97.
Richards Tavern, 99.
Ricker, Benjamin F., 47.
Rigolets, The, 50.
‘Rinaldo, H. B. M. S. S.,’ 51.
Robinson's American Arithmetic, 101.
Robinson's Elements, 101.
Rockwood, Mr., 45.
Royall, 79.
Royall House, The Old Medford, 23.
Royall, Isaac, 23.
Royall, Colonel: Isaac, Jr., 23.
Rush, Margaret, 85.
Russell, Daniel, 72, 91, 92.
Russell, James, 39, 84, 90, 99.
Russell. Hon. James, 40.
Russell, Joseph, 17, 18, 20.
Russell, Levi, 20.
Russell, Philemon, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 40.
Russell, Philemon R., 20, 64, 70, 90, 94, 96.
Russell, Phoebe, 19.
Russell, Walter, 16, 17, 20, 21.
Rust, Lieutenant-Colonel, 27.
Rutherford Avenue, Charlestown, 78.
Rutland, Mass., 88.
Salem, Mass., 4.
Salem Street, Charlestown, 100.
Salem Turnpike, 100.
Sanborn, David, 47.
Sargent, Henry, 65.
Savanna River, 34.
Sawyer, Edward, 92, 93, 95, 96.
School Holidays, 92, 101.
School Street, 47.
Seabrook Landing, 34.
Second Church, Malden, 88.
Second Ohio Light Battery, 59.
Sewall, Mr., 45.
Sewall, Samuel, 79.
Sherburn, Mass., 89.
Sherman, General T. W., 58, 59.
Ship Island, 28, 30, 37, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 59, 62.
Simmons, Sergeant, 31.
Simonds, Silas, 39.
Skotto, Mr., 83.
Smith, Jesse, 70, 71, 72.
Smith, John, 85, 87.
Soley, Dorcas, 85, 87.
Soley, John, 87, 90, 96.
Somerville Avenue, 47.
Somerville Historical Society, 2.
Somerville Historical Society, Officers of, 24, 48, 76, 102.
South America, 31.
South Kingston, R. I., 64.
South Writing School, 38.
Speed, Adjutant, 50.
Sprague, Ann D., 93, 95, 96. 97, 99.
Sprague, Elizabeth (Stower), 88.
Sprague, John, 85. 87, 88.
Sprague, Jonathan, 87.
Springfield Street, 8.
Spring Hill, 7.
Staffordshire, Eng., 80, 81.
State Board of Education, 2.
State Street, Boston, 86.
St. Charles Street, 54.
Stephen, 23.
Stetson, David, 64, 90.
Stevens, Ephraim, 95.
Stickney, Mr., 67, 68.
Stimpson, Abigail (Sweetser), 87.
Stimpson, Andrew, 87.
Stimpson, Joseph, 85. 87.
Stoneham, Mass., 15, 39, 41.
Stone, John, 63, 66.
St. Paul, Minn., 1.
Storer, Mr., 83.
Stoughton, Mass., 1.
Stow, Mass.. 20.
Surinam, S. A., 85.
Sussex, Eng., 81.
Swan, John, 19.
Swan, Samuel, 17, 19, 20.
Swan, Samuel, Esq., 41.
Swaney, Sentinel, 52.
Sweatsur, Josepg, 83.
Sweden. 13.
Sweetser, Benjamin. 41, 88.
Sweetser,, Joseph. 84, 88.
Sweetser, Samuel, 88.
Sycamore Street, Somerville, 12.
Teel, Jonathan, 63, 66.
Teel, Samuel P., 90, 96.