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London, Eng., 5.

Long Wharf, 27.

Louisiana Native Guards, 55.

Lowell, James Russell, 13.

Lowell Railroad, 11, 12.

Lutwich, Edward, 85.

Lutwyche, Edward, 86.

Lutwyche, Edward Goldstone, 86.

Lynde, Hon., Joseph, 87.

Lynde, Sarah (Davidson), 87.

Lynn, Mass., 20, 77.

Macarty, Margaret, 85.

Maccurdy, Thomas, 86.

Mackerel Lane, Boston, 86.

Main Street, Charlestown, 78, 84, 87.

Maiden, Mass., 84, 87, 88, 89.

Mallet, Isaac, 16, 21, 39.

Mallet, John, 85.

Mary (ship), 88.

Massachusetts Bank, 39.

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 4.

Massachusetts Law and Order League, 2.

Matanzas, S. S., 36.

Mather, Increase, 80.

Maudsley (Moseley), 87.

Maulsby, David L., 1.

McCarty, James, 86.

McCarty, John, 86.

Mead, Elijah, 63.

Medford, Mass., 4, 41, 80, 81, 82.

Medford Daughters of the Revolution, 23.

Medford Street, 47.

Memorial History of Boston, 38.

Menotomies River, 80.

Menotomy, 14, 18.

Merrimac River, 86.

Middleborough, Mass., 1.

Middlesex County, 77.

Milk Row, 42, 43, 68, 70, 72, 74, 97, 98, 100.

Milk Row District, 16, 64.

Milk Row School, 14, 15, 22, 67, 71, 91. 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 100.

Miller, Captain, Joseph, 64, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72.

Miller, Richard, 41.

Miller's River, 4, 77.

Mill Pond, 78.

Mill Street, 78.

Mira, 23.

Mishawum, 4.

Mississippi, S. S., 27, 33, 36.

Mobile, 53, 59, 61.

Mobile Bay, 57, 58.

Moody, Josiah, 96.

Moody, Samuel, 95, 96.

Morse, Rev. Jedediah, D. D., 44, 63, 66.

Morse, Samuel, F. B., 66.

Morse's School Geography and Atlas, 101.

Moses, 44.

Mount Vernon (gunboat), 33.

Mt. Benedict, 78.

Munroe, Henry, 8.

Munroe, Nancy T., 8.

Murray's English Grammar and Exercises, 101.

Murray's English Reader, 71, 101.

Murray's Introduction to His English Reader, 101.

Mussey, Miss, Letitia Howard, 1.

Mystic Avenue, 8.

Mystic Ponds, 14, 65.

Mystic River, 4, 11, 74, 77.

Mystic Valley Club, 2.

Nancy, 23.

Neighborhood Sketch Number 8, 47.

Newburyport, Mass., 88.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, 87.

New England Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools, 2.

New England Commission on Admission Examinations, 2.

New England Genealogical Register, 38.

New England Historic-Genealogical Society, 2.

New Ipswich Academy, 70.

New Orleans, La., 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 62.

New Pearl Street, 11.

New London, Conn., 1.

New York, 27, 36, 86.

New Zealand, 81.

Normal School, Salem, 2.

Northampton, 77.

North Street, Somerville, 18.

Nova Scotia, 86.

Oak Street, Somerville, 7, 8.

‘Occasional Addresses,’ 3.

Orne, Sarah, 86.

Paige, 14, 18.

Paine, Colonel, 53.

Palfrey's Swamp, 11.

Parker, Daniel, 63.

Parker, Leonard M., 90

Parker, Mr., 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100.

Parker, Thomas, 38.

Parmiter, Thankful, 86.

Paso Chef Menteur, 50.

Payson, Samuel, 38, 45, 63, 90, 91.

Perkins, Abraham, 87.

Perkins, Doch, 86.

Perkins, Doct., 85.

Perry, Albion A., 2.

Personal Experience of a Union Veteran, 25-37, 49-62.

Phi Beta Kappa, 2.

Phillips, Ann (Foster), 88.

Phillips, Captain, Eleazar, 88.

Phillips, Elizabeth, 88.

Phillips, Henry, 79, 87.

Phillips, Joanna, 85, 87.

Phillips, Colonel, John, 87.

Phillips, Katharine (Anderson), 87.

Phillips, Mary, 79.

Phillips, Mary (Dwight), 79.

‘Philosophy of Universalism, The,’ 2.

Phils, Solomon, 83.

Phinney, Elias, 90, 91.

Phipps, Abigail. 82, 83, 84.

Phipps, Betty, 83, 84.

Phipps, Elijah, 82, 83.

Phipps, Frances, 15, 88.

Phipps, Joseph, 14, 21, 63, 64, 82, 83, 88, 90, 96, 98, 99, 100.

Phipps, Samll., 83.

Phipps, Samuel, 77-89.

Phipps, Solomon, 14, 78, 79, 82, 84,

Phipps, William S., 90.

Pierce, 79, 87.

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