The records of the school board that have come down to us begin with May, 1814. According to their By-Laws, the trustees met for organization the first Tuesday following the second Monday in January each year; other meetings to be held as desired. Special meetings could be called by the secretary on direction of the chairman or two members. The treasurer was to give bonds for $6,000. All bills were to be examined by tile chairman and secretary, and to be approved in writing, if found correct. The officers of the board were the same as last given.
August 18, 1814. Voted to Captain Miller $250 for the use of Districts No. 3 and 4. In November the school of Messrs. Andrews and Dodge was examined by the trustees, and a large number of highly respectable visitors. The reverend president opened the exercises with prayer. All were gratified with the behavior and proficiency of the children, and, considering the confused and agitated state of the town, this was highly honorable to the instructors. The exercises closed with prayer by Rev. Mr. Turner. February 10, 1815, the trustees met at Captain Daniel Reed's (end of the town) to visit No. 5, under
Nathaniel Green (number of scholars, twenty-eight), also No. 4,