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[86] a son of Stephen Hall, the weaver and painter, who married Grace Willis.

Christopher Blackford was a victualler, who had married Sarah Kettell, a niece of Samuel Phipps' mother. Later he sustained reverses in business.

Jeffs Johnson, son of Zechariah and Elizabeth (Jeffs) Johnson, the brickmaker, was a bookkeeper in His Majesty's service. He married Sarah Orne, of Boston, and settled at Weston.

Edward Lutwyche was the landlord of the Bunch of Grapes tavern, at the head of Mackerel lane and King street, now the corner of State and Kilby streets, in Boston. In memory of the famous inn and the many feasts celebrated there, the present handsome edifice bears a pendent bunch of grapes, carved on the lintel at the corner. Long wharf came up to the head of Mackerel lane, now Doane street, in those days. The Lutwyches were English born and true to their birthright. The son, Edward Goldstone Lutwyche, was a scholarly lawyer, who was settled on or near Brenton's farms on the Merrimac river, where he established a ferry. He remained in the province of New Hampshire till the Revolution. He was colonel of the Fifth New Hampshire regiment of militia. At the outbreak of hostilities, he repaired to Boston and joined General Gage. In 1778, he was proscribed by the general court of New Hampshire, and his property confiscated. Dr. Matthew Thornton, one of the signers of the Declaration, and a busy, prominent politician, thrifty in his graft, purchased Lutwyche's farm, and the ferry has ever since been known as Thornton's. Lutwyche went to Halifax with Lord Howe, was in New York after peace was declared, returned to Nova Scotia, and ended his days there.

The father, Edward Lutwyche, came from Radnor, in Wales, and married, in 1727, Thankful Parmiter, who died in 1734. He retired in 1740 to a fine farm of 160 acres in Hopkinton, and died there in 1747.

There were two McCartys in Charlestown at the period under review, James and John, and in 1740 Thomas Maccurdy, a stranger, was buried at the town's expense.

Of Doch Perkins we find no trace. The only men of the

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