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‘ [71] when they will cheerfully support additional means of education, as the increasing population of the town may require.’ (Signed A. R. Thompson.) This school was probably in the vicinity of Franklin street. Query: Was it in charge of Miss Martha Ireland, whose name has been already mentioned?


May 16. Voted that Captain Miller open the summer schools in Districts No. 3 and No. 4, and Captain Reed in No. 5. Mr. Dodge is allowed $31.25 per quarter for his son Horace, who serves as his assistant in the writing school. ‘Mr. Smith recommended changing the evangelical instruction for Murray's English Reader and it was so decided.’

August 8 John Bennett resigned at the Neck. The trustees engaged Isaac Gates as his successor, and the same salary as for masters at other schools within the Neck was voted him, $666.66.

April 6, 1816, David Dodge resigned as writing master, and later Robert Gordon, formerly assistant, was promoted to the mastership. Samuel Campbell was elected to second place, at a salary of $500.

Friday, April 19, Milk Row School, under Yorick S. Gordon, was visited. Messrs. Miller and Thompson were present, with several of the inhabitants of the district. The school appeared very well, notwithstanding many difficulties under which they had labored during the winter. Mr. Gordon had discharged his duties acceptably.

May 6 the trustees met, and, taking into consideration the high price of living and, at the same time, appreciating the valuable and successful services of Mr. Gates as a teacher, recommended making him a special grant of $40. Schools in Districts No. 4 and 5 have been kept the past winter to the satisfaction of the board.

In reference to women's schools: ‘By making the privilege of instruction free to all has preserved the chain of education unbroken by the distresses of the people in the shock of war, and so has been an inducement to many to remain in our town. ’

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