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[352] placed markers on the advanced positions held by their regiment on the Crater battlefield. During their stay in the city they were courteously received by the Confederate veterans and had several pleasant social meetings with them. As a memento of their visit and of their friendship for the Confederate soldiers, this souvenir is presented and will be so received and appreciated.

A well organized movement which promises success has been started for the establishment of a national military park at Petersburg. It may be of interest to mention some of the many points of historic importance that lie within the limits of the proposed park, about which were fought some of the bloodiest and most determined battles of the Confederate war.

These are: The Crater, Fort McGilvray, Fort Steadman, Fort Haskel, Fort Meikle, Fort Wadsworth, Fort Rice, Fort Morton, Fort Sedgewick, Fort Mahone, Fort Davis, a series of points which played great parts in the siege and defense of Petersburg in 1864-65.

Fort Sedgewick, on the Federal side, and Fort Mahone on the Confederate side, on account of the fierce and almost constant fire they gave and received were appropriately named respectively Forts ‘Hell’ and ‘Damnation.’

While some of these famous forts have almost disappeared under the hand of time and the march of improvement, most of them are still well preserved and in good condition. In the vicinity of the proposed park are many other points of notable interest.

At a meeting of the common council of Petersburg, Feb. 6th 1906, Mr. Quicke offered resolutions appropriating the sum of $1.000 to the fund to be raised by the Mahone Monument Association for the erection of a monument in memory of General William Mahone, and granting permission to erect the monument in Central Park. The preamble to these resolutions sets forth in eloquent terms the record of General Mahone as a soldier and the deeds of his heroic men, especially in 1864-65 in the glorious defense of Petersburg, and at the battle of the Crater, ‘the most astounding victory of any war waged during the nineteenth century,’ General Mahone's famous brigade was composed in large part of soldiers from Petersburg and immediate surroundings, many of whom are still here, and all of whom, with the people of the city at large, desire the erection of a suitable and lasting memorial to his memory.

The resolutions were referred to the finance committee and will no doubt be favorably reported and adopted. The Mahone Association

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