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to say, was the failure of General Stuart to follow the order1 of Lee, which directed him to move into Maryland, crossing the Potomac east or west of the Blue Ridge, as, in his judgment, should be best, and take position on the right of our column as it advanced. Instead of taking position on the right of our column as it advanced, Stuart followed the right of the Federal column, thus placing it between himself and Lee. The consequence was that Lee from the time he crossed the Potomac had no communication with Stuart until after the battle on the 1st of July, when he heard that Stuart was at Carlisle, and Stuart did not reach Gettysburg unit the afternoon of July 2d.
Lee, referring to Stuart, says: ‘By the route he pursued the Federal army was interposed between his command and our main body, preventing any communication with him until he arrived at Carlisle.
The march toward Gettysburg was conducted more slowly than it would have been had the movements of the Federal army been known.’2 These are solemn, mild words, but they cover the defeat at Gettysburg.
Had Lee known the movements of the Federal army he could easily have had his whole army concentrated in Gettysburg on the 1st of July, and could easily have enveloped and crushed the enemy's advanced corps, and then defeated Meade in detail.
But as it was, the encounter of the advance of the Federal army was a surprise to Lee. Hill had on the 30th of June encamped with two of his divisions, Heth's and Pender's at Cashtown, about eight miles from Gettysburg.
Next morning he moved with Heth's division, followed by Pender's toward Gettysburg.
They encountered the enemy about three miles of the town.
The enemy offered very determined resistance, but Heth's division, with great gallantry, drove him before it until it reached Seminary Heights, which overlooked Gettysburg.
At this time, 2 p. m., Rodes' and Early's divisions of Ewell's corps — the first from Carlisle and the other from York, made their opportune appearance on the left of Heth and at right angles to it; then Pender's division was thrown forward, and all advancing together drove the enemy from position to position, and through the town, capturing 5,000 prisoners, and putting the enemy to flight in great disorder.
Referring to this juncture of affairs, Col. Walter
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