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At the Wilderness.

In addition to what I have said in regard to the selection of this line, one very important fact—one that will be fully appreciated by those conversant with that campaign—must not be overlooked. Johnson's division received the opening attack of Grant's army on May 5th, and during that day and night, and the succeeding day and night, were in line of battle, fighting almost continuously, resisting until late each night the frequent and furious charges of the enemy. There was no rest day or night for our men, until the night of the 7th. So intense was the fighting that on the night of May 5th, the commander of Pegram's brigade of Early's division, which had been sent to extend our left, sent word to General Johnson that the men could not use their guns any longer; that they had fired them so often they had become so hot they could not handle them, and, besides, feared they would explode.

General Johnson, who was on the field very near the lines, sent me to get two regiments to take the place of as many men in Pegram's line, and relieve them temporarily, until their guns had cooled. I think General Pegram suggested this. I went for the regiments and was leading them into position, arranging for them to slide along behind the breastworks until they got into position, when I was informed by some one that there was no place in the trenches for more men; that all they wanted was guns and men were detailed and loaded with guns and sent in the trenches, and in this way Pegram's brigade was supplied with guns that they could use. I know of no other instance of that kind, and never heard of one.

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