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many more particulars of this fight than we have space to quote.
‘Talk about yelling and cheering,’ he writes, ‘You should have heard it at the moment on the deck of the ‘Arkansas’ to have appreciated it. In fifteen (thirty) minutes, without being checked in our progress, we had thrashed three of the enemy's vessels—one carrying arms as good as ours and two more guns than we; and one of the others was a famous ram, whilst the third, though of but little account, gave moral support to the others. * * * We now had no time to secure our prize, (the iron-clad “Carondelet” ), as the enemy would learn of our coming and swarm in the river like bees if we did not hurry.
These fellows we have beaten were but skirmishers of a main army.
Consequently we pushed down the river.’
Lieut. Commander Brown was twice wounded, though not disabled, in this action.
Lieut. Gift also was wounded.
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