Brumby, J., Marietta, Ga.
Burroughs, J.
Cabaniss, E., Forysth, Ga.
Cabaniss, H. H., Forysth, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
*Campbell, Jos. F., Mobile, Ala., died in Galveston, Texas, in 1904.
Carlton, ——,
*Cashin, Ed., Augusta, Ga. Anderson, S. C.. Died Oct. 11, 1897.
Cockerell, ——.
Crutchfield, Wm. Ambrose, Macon, Ga.
Dabney, ——. *D'Antignac, Frank, Augusta, Ga., died since the war.
Dorsey, J., West Point, Ga., Opelika, Ala.
*Edwards, J. Polk, Opelika, Ala. Died there since the war.
Elliott,——. Everett, ——. Fitzpatrick, ——., Madison, Ga.
Flake, Warren W., DeKalb county, Ga. Jacksonville, Texas.
*Foster, A. W., Madison, Ga.
Freeman, ——.
Gary, J.
Gary, W.
Gould, ——.
Green, John M., Atlanta, Ga.
Hamilton, Thomas A., Columbia county, Ga. Birmingham, Alabama.
Hardee, J.
*Hardee, W. P.
Harlee, ——.
Harrington, Henry P., West Point, now New York.
Harris, John.
*Haslem, George, Perry, Houston county, Ga.
Hawkins, J. C., Merriwether county, Ga.
Head, George M., Monroe county, Ga.
Hill, A. W., Washington, Ga. Atlanta, Ga.
Hill, Thomas A., Washington, Ga.