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[27] this sword of General Garnett and purchased it. General Steuart died November 22, 1903. Mr. James E. Steuart, his nephew is now enabled to forward the sword to its rightful possessor by descent, who is the wife of Col. John B. Purcell, Richmond, Va. General Garnett was the only remaining brother of Mrs. Purcell's mother, who was deeply attached to him, and, through Col. Purcell, has assured Mr. Steuart, that the sword will be treasured by her, a niece of General Garnett, as a precious heirloon.

The restoration of the sword has been accomplished through Col. Winfield Peters, in connection with his recent duties with the United Confederate Veterans in Richmond and Petersburg during the late convention of the Grand Camp of Virginia.

Colonel Peters relates that the Confederate dead in the battle of Gettysburg, having been interred on the field; following the retreat of General Lee's army, two physicians named Weaver—father and son—residents of Gettysburg, gave diligent personal attention and saw that the graves were marked, or otherwise indicated, looking to the ultimate removal of the remains. After the war many of the dead were taken away by relatives.

In 1872 and 1873 the younger Dr. Weaver (the father having died) began sending the remains to points in the South, such as Richmond, Va., Raleigh, N. C., Charleston, S. C., and Savannah, Ga., under agreements with Confederate memorial associations in those cities, and the work was completed during the years stated. Dr. Weaver having met Col. Peters in Baltimore and disclosed his operations, the bodies of Marylanders were sent here and reinterred in Loudon Park Cemetery. Col. Peters says Dr. Weaver's efforts were a labor of love, for which he was never fully reimbursed or compensated. About 3,000 was the number of Confederate dead cared for by the two doctors, chiefly by the son, who stated that all the Confederate dead were removed except about 40 buried in Sherfey's peach orchard.

How Garnett died.

The story of the return by Mr. James E. Steuart of the sword of Brig.-Gen. Richard B. Garnett, of the Confederate Army, to his niece, told in The Sun of November 4, has aroused interest in the death of General Garnett, who was killed in Pickett's charge at Gettysburg. General Garnett's body was never identified and rests with the unknown Confederate dead.

Col. Winfield Peters, Q. M. Gen. Army of Northern Virginia

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