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Governor's speech.

Governor Montague was received with tremendous applause.

The Governor explained briefly how the flags were entrusted to the temporary care of the Chief Executive of the State. He had thus to assume a great responsibility and he sought the aid and co-operation of the Grand Camp, the organization which represents the men who fought under and made the flags glorious. The Governor said he had received many appeals for a different disposition of them for a distribution, etc., but he could not and did not resist the conclusion that the flags should be kept together, and that the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans should be the custodians until the Legislature shall provide an everlasting abiding place for them. He recommended that they be put away in a fire-proof vault until the Legislature shall act at the request of the camp.

The Governor's tribute to the brave men who fought under the flags was eloquent and touching.

Colonel Tom Smith, of Fauquier, introduced ex-Governor William E. Cameron, who on behalf of the Grand Camp, received the flags.

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