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[369] some at the lower end of the field, to the rear, not engaged, but under artillery fire. I found them to be Colquitt's brigade; and close to them, on their left, I found the Sixth and Third Alabama regiments. Urging Colonel Colquitt to move up to Anderson's right, I ordered my two regiments directly forward to his support, and then moved up the original line to collect and return to the field, if possible, those who had fallen back from the left. I arrived at the left in time to stop some fugitives, but was so utterly exhausted from weakness, proceeding from my wound, not yet by any means healed, that I could do no more. I found, however, that the confusion before spoken of, on the left of the line, had not been general; that my three first-named regiments had continued the charge, and had successfully, and almost alone, beaten back two large bodies of the enemy on the top of the hill, besides taking a battery of the enemy directly in our front. The Fifth Alabama regiment, which took the battery, was sustained in this portion of the charge by the Twenty-sixth only, the Twelfth Alabama, which was in some confusion, having shifted to the left late in the evening, and joined the troops which came up on the left of Hill's division.

All the regiments and regimental officers acted handsomely; but the Fifth and Twenty-sixth were especially distinguished for their great courage. I feel confident that no troops ever acted better than they did on this occasion — men and officers all acted nobly. Colonel C. C. Pegues, of the Fifth Alabama, was wounded desperately in the charge, and has since died of his wounds. Upon falling, he called the next officer in command to him, (Major Hobson,) and told him that the Fifth Alabama had always been in the advance, and that it was his last wish that it should then go ahead, and allow no regiment to pass it. Major Hobson gallantly carried out his wishes, and led the regiment on, constantly ahead of all others of the division, except the Twenty-sixth, which kept, under its brave Colonel, (O'Neal,) steadily with it.

Carter's battery had but little to do, except to receive the fire of the enemy, until late in the afternoon, when, for a short time, under my orders, with two of his pieces, and later, with his whole battery, under the orders of Major-General Jackson, it engaged the enemy's battery to the left of the Cold Harbor field, and silenced it. Fortunately the battery suffered but little loss. Captain Carter and his men, on this occasion, as on a former one, behaved with distinguished gallantry.

The total loss of the brigade in this battle was thirty-one men killed, and one hundred and fourteen wounded. Of these, the Fifth Alabama lost twenty-one killed and forty-five wounded.

After causing the brigade to reassemble, we slept on the field of battle. The brigade, under orders, moved down near the Grapevine Bridge, and remained there during the day. At the close of the day, (Saturday,) I was compelled, from the condition of my arm, and from consequent fever, to turn over the command of the brigade to Colonel Gordon, of the Sixth Alabama. I desire to call especial attention to the conduct of the above-mentioned officer; he was distinguished for all that a soldier can admire.

My regular and volunteer staff officers, Captain Whiting, Lieutenants Webster and Peyton, Messrs. Wood and Thomas Bouldin, and Mr. V. H. Rodes, and Mr. Lumsden, were of great service to me, and served me faithfully, at great personal risk, all the afternoon. Captain Whiting and Lieutenant Webster deserve especial mention, however. The latter was killed in the charge across the field, after having given evidence of the greatest coolness and courage, and of unusual intelligence. I am under especial obligation to Major B. G. Baldwin, who had rejoined my staff, and had consented to act as Lieutenant-Colonel of the Sixth Alabama regiment. Acting in both capacities, at intervals, during the day, he showed the highest order of soldierly qualities in both.

I submit herewith all the regimental reports that have been handed in.

I have the honor to be, Major, very respectfully,

R. E. Rodes, Brigadier-General commanding, &c.

List of Killed and Wounded in the First Brigade, Third Division, in the Engagements of the 27th June and 1st July, 1862.

battle of 27TH June.battle of 1ST July.
Name of Regiment.Killed.WoundedName of Regiment.Killed.Wounded
Third Alabama214Third Alabama37163
Fifth Alabama2145Fifth Alabama2661
Sixth Alabama313Sixth Alabama1529
Twelfth Alabama111Twelfth Alabama0000
Twenty-sixth Alabama428Twenty-sixth Alabama1373
Carter's Battery03Carter's Battery0000

Respectfully submitted,

H. A. Whiting, Assistant Adjutant-General.

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