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[143] tenth, nothing worthy of note in a report transpired. December thirteenth, nineteen rounds of ammunition were expended, mostly thrown into the city. Twenty rounds were fired on the twentieth, at a boat which had moved up from the city, and was annoying our troops on Hutchinson's Island. Battery moved into Savannah, December twenty-first. One hundred and twenty rounds were expended on morning of twenty-first, in endeavoring to drive off the enemy from a boat on the river, from which they were unloading supplies. On afternoon of same day battery was moved to West Broad street, where it is now parked. On the march from Atlanta there were picked up by my command about eight horses and fifteen mules, in all twenty-three animals. The stock worn out on the march was turned into Quartermaster's department.

On the march, the animals were subsisted entirely off the country, as were also the men to a great extent. The amount of forage used by my command would foot up about fifty thousand (50,000) pounds. This, with what we secured from expeditions sent out from Atlanta, would make a total of fifty-seven thousand (57,000) pounds corn taken from the country.

All of which is respectfully submitted.

Thomas S. Sloan, Captain Independent Battery E, Pennsylvania Artillery.

Recapitulation: Died of disease: enlisted man, one. Animals picked up: eight horses, fifteen mules. Amount of forage captured, fifty-seven thousand pounds. Ammunition, number rounds expended, one hundred and fifty-four.

Lieutenant Stephens's Report.

headquarters battery C, First Ohio Light artillery, Savannah, Ga., December 24, 1864.
Lieutenant: I have the honor of submitting the following report of operations of battery C, First Ohio light artillery, during the time from the occupation of Atlanta to the present date.

On the second day of September, 1864, the battery moved into the city of Atlanta, and took position in a fort to the south and west of the city. On the twelfth of the month left this position, and went into camp with the other batteries of the brigade to the west of the city, where it lay until the twenty-first day of October, when it formed part of the guard of the foraging expedition, which went out that day, under command of Colonel Dustin, commanding Third division, Twentieth army corps, and was absent four days, returning to camp on the twenty-fourth. During the expedition I procured two large loads of corn, and about one thousand pounds pork, three hundred pounds mutton, and fifteen bushels potatoes. Previous to this, two wagons were sent at two different times, and once after, three wagons, procuring, during the several expeditions sent out, about two hundred and seventy bushels corn, two thousand five hundred pounds meat, and thirty bushels potatoes.

During the time that the battery lay in camp, it was put in good order, carriages painted, harness oiled, and by the fifteenth of October was in every way ready for the field, with the exception of horses and mules, which, on account of scarcity of forage, became very much reduced in flesh, and a majority of them died from starvation.

On the second day of November, I received a new lot of horses and mules, and on the morning of the fifteenth moved out of the city, on the Decatur road, with the Twentieth army corps, with which we marched during the Savannah campaign, and arrived in front of the enemy's works around the city, on the tenth day of December. On the twelfth, by order of Major Reynolds, the battery was moved on the river-bank, opposite the head of Hutchinson's Island. From the commencing of the campaign to this date, the battery was commanded by Captain W. B. Gary, who was captured on Hutchinson's Island the twelfth, with two enlisted men. The battery then fell to my command.

On the fourteenth instant, by command of Major Reynolds, I sent Lieutenant King, with a section, to report to Colonel Robinson, commanding Third brigade, First division, at Cherokee Hill.

The balance of battery kept its position on the river until eleven o'clock A. M., on the twentieth instant, when I received orders to move my battery, except the section at Cherokee Hill, to the city of Savannah, where I arrived at three P. M., and went into camp on the west end of Roberts street, where the battery now lies.

During the campaign, the command has consumed about the following amount of forage and supplies: ninety thousand pounds corn, thirty thousand pounds fodder, three hundred bushels sweet potatoes, seven thousand pounds fresh meat; and has captured fifteen horses and twenty-eight mules; picked up seven negroes; and destroyed thirty-five thousand pounds cotton.

On leaving Atlanta, there were eighty-four horses and thirty-four mules in the command.

There have been two horses and eighteen mules turned over to Captain Schoeninger, and eight mules to Captain McKell, Ordnance Officer, Third division, Twentieth army corps, and one horse died, leaving with the command, at this present date , eighty-eight horses and thirty-six mules.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

J. B. Stephens, First Lieutenant, Commanding Battery C, First Ohio Light Artillery. Wm. H. Mickle, Lieutenant and A. A. A. G. Artillery, Twentieth Army Corps.

Colonel Buell's Report.

Headquarters pontoniers, left wing, army of Gorgia, Savannah, Ga., January 7, 1865.
Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my command during the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia.

November 13.--My command destroyed the railroad bridge over the Chattahoochee River, near Atlanta, Georgia.

14th. Moved my command to and encamped

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