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[53] and did but little toward preserving that discipline for which this command has ever been renowned.

Regimental commanders exerted themselves to have their men together, and endeavor to prevent straggling; but owing to the indifference of line and non-commissioned officers, were unable to prevent their men from taking liberties which could and might have been remedied by their subordinates.

To my regimental commanders, I wish to tender my warmest thanks for the cheerful manner in which they discharged each and every duty imposed upon them.

Captain William Merrill, commanding One Hundred and Forty-first New-York volunteers, is entitled to especial praise for the zealous manner in which he performed the duties which devolved upon him as a regimental commander, having but a short time been in command, and with but very few company officers to assist him.

To Captain D. W. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General; Captain William C. Rockwell, Acting Assistant Inspector-General; Captain A. W. Self-ridge, Assistant Commissary Subsistence; First Lieutenant George Tubbs, Togographical Engineer; First Lieutenant R. Cruikshank, Provost-Marshal; First Lieutenant A. L. Crawford, Acting Assistant Quartermaster; and Lieutenant W. F. Martin, Aid-de-Camp, members of my staff, I wish to offer my grateful appreciation of their efforts at all times to assist me in performing the several duties devolving upon them in a cheerful and soldier-like manner.

Just previous to leaving Atlanta, my Aid-de-Camp, Lieutenant Martin, received a leave of absence for twenty days, and, although without proper equipments for a campaign, (having just made his escape from Charleston prison,) when he learned that we were likely to start southward before the expiration of his leave of absence, refused to avail himself of the same, and has been ever at his post, ready and willing to perform whatever service I required of him.

Accompanying this report, you will please find reports of my regimental commanders.

All of which are most respectfully submitted.

I have the honor to be, Lieutenant, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

James L. Selfridge, Colonel Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers, Commanding First Brigade.

Lieutenant-Colonel Rogers's Report.

headquarters one hundred and twenty-Third New-York volunteers, Savannah, Georgia, December 24, 1864.
To Captain D. T. Palmer, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade First Division Twentieth Army Corps:
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of this regiment from the occupation of Atlanta by the United States forces to the present time.

Shortly after the occupation of Atlanta by our forces, the Twentieth army corps, having been assigned to the duty of garrisoning the city, this regiment went into camp on the north-east of the town. The troops built themselves comfortable and commodious quarters, and stringent measures were adopted for preserving the health of the men, somewhat impaired by the protracted campaign and defective diet. With the exceptions hereafter noted, the regiment remained here in camp until the fifteenth November following, en gaged in the customary duties of the garrison, namely, drills, picket-guards, and fatigue upon the fortifications.

On the twenty-first day of October, this regiment, in connection with other forces, and a large number of wagons, the whole under the command of Colonel Dustin, went upon a foraging expedition into the Snapfinger Creek and South-River valleys. A large amount of corn and fodder was gathered here, but I have no definite knowledge or official information of the amount. The expedition returned, without being molested, on the twenty-fourth October.

On the twenty-ninth October, this regiment, with the other regiments of the brigade, went to Decatur in aid of a foraging party under command of Brigadier-General Geary, and returned the same day without having seen the enemy.

On the fifth day of November, this regiment, in connection with the other regiments of the Twentieth army corps, broke camp, and moved out upon the McDonough road, and encamped for the night. It returned the next day, and reoccupied its old camp.

These movements comprise all the field operations of this regiment during its stay in Atlanta. During this time, attention was paid to perfecting discipline, which was somewhat relaxed by a long and arduous campaign. The men were fully clothed and equipped, convalescents called in from hospitals, the returns of company officers completed and sent in, and every effort made to bring the command to a condition for active service.

The regiment here received eight of their ten months pay, then due. Forty-three (43) recruits were received here, but so shortly before moving from the city that but little instruction in drill could be imparted. They are, however, a good class of men, and have, in the main, proved themselves good soldiers.

The elective franchise, conferred by an act of the New-York Legislature, at its last session, was here exercised, and, it is believed, with less of partisan heat and undue influence than ordinarily occurs at elections held in communities free from military authority.

Every preparation having been made, in obedience to orders which had been previously received, on the fifteenth November the regiment, together with the other troops composing the Twentieth army corps, moved out of the city on the Decatur road, taking the route via Stone Mountain, Boxbridge, and Social Circle, to Madison, which we entered on the nineteenth November. Thence, taking the Milledgeville road, we passed through Eatonton, and on the twenty-second

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