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[319] hours on the eighth, and regiments not more exposed than ourselves suffered severly.

I have the honor to be, Captain, your obedient servant,

B. W. Leigh, Captain Commanding First Va. Bat., Provisional Army, C. S. A.

Report of Captain Poague.

Brown's Gap, Virginia, June 11, 1862.
Captain J. F. O'Brien, A. A. G., First Brigade, V. D.:
Captain: I have the honor to submit the following report of the action of the battery under my command, on the eighth and ninth instant, near Port Republic, Virginia.

On the morning of the eighth, in obedience to directions from Brigadier-General Winder, I hastened from camp with one of my Parrott guns, the first hitched up and ready to move, in the direction of the bridge at Port Republic, about three fourths of a mile distant. Under the direction of Major-General Jackson, in person, this gun was placed in position in the wheat-field near the bridge, commanding both it and the country beyond the Shenandoah River. This piece drove the enemy's cavalry from beyond the river, and fired two shots at a six-pounder, stationed by the enemy at the further extremity of the bridge, when the cannoneers abandoned the gun and retreated across the river, taking the limber with them. After this piece had been placed in position, I hurried back and found my other guns, four in number, taking a position, under the direction of Brigadier-General Winder, on a ridge to the left of the road, and nearly opposite the position occupied by two pieces of the enemy's artillery, which had kept up an irregular fire for some time. After two or three shots from my battery, these two guns ceased firing. One of them, I learn, was afterward found in the woods near by. Thereafter, my guns, in conjunction with Carpenter's battery, were turned upon the enemy's infantry, several regiments of which were within range. They were soon driven back, retreating in considerable haste, leaving some of their dead along the road. Two of my guns were then moved about a mile down the river, to a position from which to sweep the road, if the enemy should again endeavor to advance. This, however, was not attempted, and shortly after dark all of my guns were taken to camp.

Seventy-three rank and file, (strength of company.)

On the morning of the ninth, having crossed South-River, and following the brigade about one and a half miles down the road leading to Swift Run Gap, I received orders to place two Parrott pieces on the left of the road, from which position they opened on the enemy's batteries. The balance of my guns, being of short range, were kept under cover. After firing about two hours, shifting position occasionally to the left, I received an order to take one of my Parrott guns to a point indicated, some distance down the road, within short range of the enemy's batteries. From this point, under a hot fire from four of their guns, a rapid fire was kept up, partly on their batteries, and partly on their infantry, with canister, until the ammunition was exhausted, when I ordered the piece to retire a short distance up the road. Hastening across to the left, where my other guns had been ordered up, engaging the artillery and infantry of the enemy, I found that they had retired to the position first occupied in the morning. The officer in charge of them, Lieutenant Graham, informed me that after our infantry began to fall back, he ordered the guns to be limbered to the rear and retire. Having lost his horse in the engagement, and being some distance behind the guns, he sent three different messsengers on to have the guns halted in the orchard. These orders were not received by the Lieutenant in charge. After the battery had commenced falling back, the fourth piece, a brass six-pounder in charge of Lieutenant Davis, was ordered by Brigadier-General Winder to halt and fire on the advancing infantry of the enemy. While unlimbering, Lieutenant Davis was severely, and several cannoneers slightly, wounded by the infantry of the enemy; two of the horses were also shot, one of them falling across the pole. But few men being left with the gun, the enemy within a hundred yards, and, finding it impossito extricate the wounded horse, it was abandoned; the piece was taken from the field by the enemy; though the limber was afterward recovered. A careful search was made for the gun, but nothing heard from it. Three of my pieces were again moved forward, and assisted in the final dislodgment and rout of the enemy, joining in the pursuit for about two miles, when I received orders to halt. The following is the list of casualties, all of which occurred on the ninth:

Lieutenant James C. Davis, severely wounded in the side; privates, J. T. Gibbs, slightly in the foot; James Nicely, slightly in hand; William Cox, slightly in arm; Frank Singleton, missing, and believed to be severely wounded.

A number of others were slightly bruised. The conduct of all the men and officers engaged was unexceptionable.

Very respectfully,

William T. Poague. Captain of Battery.

Report of Captain Carpenter.

headquarters Carpenter's battery, June 11, 1862.
General: In obedience to your orders, I hereby make the following report of the operations of my company in the recent engagements of the eighth and ninth instant, near Port Republic.

On the morning of the eighth, while in camp on the heights opposite Port Republic, and, as I supposed, in quarters for one day at least, my horses turned out to graze, I was very much surprised to hear a brisk cannonading at or near the bridge over the Shenandoah River. Knowing that the enemy was on that side of the river, and believing that he had made his appearance, I immediately ordered my horses to be caught and harnessed, and my battery put in readiness for action. At this time, I received orders from you to move my battery forward as soon as possible.

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