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[154] country, and though it was absolutely necessary for them to be often from under the eyes of their officers, in their foraging expeditions, yet I have not heard of a single act committed by them derogatory to their character as soldiers. My officers have all done their duty with most commendable alacrity, and my men have borne the hardships of the campaign without a murmur, rendering prompt obedience to the orders of their officers, and displaying a patience and bravery truly commendable.

Herewith I forward a report of casualties and list of articles destroyed and captured by my regiment during the expedition.

Respectfully reported.

Thomas J. Jordan, Colonel Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry.
Report of Casualties incident to the Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, First brigade, Third cavalry division, Military Division of the Mississippi, since November fourteenth, 1864:

Station and date of casualty.Killed.Wounded.Prisoners.Missing.
November 21st, in action, near Macon, Ga.,   1
November 22d, in action, near Griswold,52142 
December 2d, foragers,   4
December 3d, foragers near Thomas Station,   8
December 4th, in action at Waynesboro,112  
Foragers missing during the campaign,   12

Thomas J. Jordan, Colonel Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry. Station, near King's Bridge. Date, December 18, 1864.

headquarters Ninth Pennsylvania cavalry, near King's Bridge, December 18, 1864.
Captain James Beggs, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General:
Captain: I respectfully submit the following report of articles captured and destroyed by my command during the recent campaign.

Captured: two hundred and eighty-eight (288) horses, one hundred and fity-two (152) mules, two (2) carbines.

Abandoned: four hundred and forty-one (441) horses, thirteen (18) mules, fifty-seven (57) sets horse-equipments, thirteen (13) carbines, seventeen (17) sabres.

Lost in action: ninety-one (91) horses, ninety-seven (97) sets horse-equipments, ninety-five (95) carbines, seventy-seven (77) sabres, eleven (11) Colt's revolvers.

I am, Captain, respectfully yours,

Thomas J. Jordan, Colonel Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry.

Lieutenant-Colonel Jones's Report.

headquarters Eighth Indiana cavalry, December 21, 1864.
Captain Beggs, Assistant Adjutant-General, First Brigade, Third Cavalry Division:
I have the honor to report that the Eighth Indiana cavalry left Marietta, Georgia, November fourteenth, 1864, with thirty-six (36) officers and five hundred and sixty-six (566) enlisted men. The horse-equipments were in poor condition, as also were many of the horses, having been drawn at “second hand,” and nearly worn out by long and hard service. On the evening of the tenth November met the enemy in pretty strong force with artillery, behind intrenchments, at Jonesboro. After some pretty severe skirmishing, with the cooperation of Fifth Kentucky, which came in on another road, the enemy was driven from the works and out of town, we picketing for the night. Lieutenant Snyder and one enlisted man were wounded. On the seventeenth, being in the advance of the division, we struck the enemy a few miles north of Lovejoy, drove them into the old rebel works at that place; one battalion of the Eighth dismounted, under Major Gordon, charged and quickly carried the works. This was followed by a charge of the entire brigade. One route was blockaded by fallen trees and other obstructions, causing us to fail to be “in at the death,” yet we captured some prisoners. Thence marched south by easy marches, capturing a few horses and mules, destroying cotton and other public property. Took no part in the attack on Macon; skirmished lightly with the enemy at Griswold. Marched to the capital of Georgia, thence to Sylvan Grove. At the lastnamed place, at two o'clock A. M., of the twenty-seventh November, this regiment being isolated from the division, was attacked by Wheeler's entire force. Three heavy charges of the enemy were handsomely repulsed. Heavy skirmishing was kept up until daylight, when we were withdrawn by order of Colonel Murry. Marched to Waynesboro; we were attacked again at night by Wheeler. Skirmished all night. The consequence was, my men were sadly in need of rest and sleep. On the twenty-eighth, was detailed to cover the rear; marched quietly about three (3) miles, when the rear-guard, under Major Herring, was attacked by a strong force. I quickly disposed the balance of my command to cover the withdrawal of Major Herring. This had scarcely been done, when the enemy charged our flanks in several columns, and had succeeded in strewing a heavy force on the road, between my command and the division. At one time our position was perilous in the extreme. The regiment was separated by the flanking columns of the enemy into four detachments, and the fog was so dense, we could not distinguish friend from foe, at the distance of twenty (20) paces. Almost every officer in the regiment was thrown upon his own resources, and each gallantly discharged his duties. Each detachment charged the enemy wherever found, and soon cleared the road and flanks, and extricated the regiment from its dangerous position, with very little loss; while the enemy, by his own showing, lost in killed and wounded nearly one hundred men, including two captains, one colonel, and General Robertson wounded. The regiment was relieved by Ninth Michigan, but companies E and G, under Major Graham, detached accidentally from the regiment, remained with the rear all along, and at the church near Buckhead Bridge, made a gallant charge, driving the

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Thomas J. Jordan (3)
J. M. Wheeler (2)
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